DJVU Incredibly Strange Music, Vol. One by V. Vale download via pc without registering bookstore

DJVU Incredibly Strange Music, Vol. One by V. Vale download via pc without registering bookstore

DJVU Incredibly Strange Music, Vol. One by V. Vale download via pc without registering bookstore

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Book description
One the ultimate and first geek record/music collecting books on Exotica recordings. For a lot of people this was probably the first step to be exposed to artists like Martin Denny, Les Baxter, etc. The book for me was interesting due that it introduced me to a new world of new music - even though most of this stuff was recorded in the 50s - and at the time of the books publication, mostly unknown.Sort of Ground Zero for the Lounge Core movement, but in reality Re/Search treated this type of music as serious compositons that were criminally overlooked. Also probably the first publication to look at record covers as a lost art form. Fascinating stories, fascinating history and just plain fascinating listening.
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