DJVU Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World: The Gospel According to Daniel by George M. Schwab get without registering value download find

DJVU Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World: The Gospel According to Daniel by George M. Schwab get without registering value download find

DJVU Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World: The Gospel According to Daniel by George M. Schwab get without registering value down…

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Book description
So much of scripture is a foreshadowing of what has happened and what will happen. It shows the sovereignity of God and his redemptive plan for his people. The apocalyptic is written for those who are in need of perspective. Showing the wisdom of the Gospel. Daniel is a great example for us in living and knowing his identity in who God was. Nebs of course was a different story. He saw himself as the center of all things and because of his self-worship, he became insane. Repentance was the cure. I thought this whole chapter was very interesting in respect to self-worship and how we can get caught in this in our own lives. From the seeking the approval of others to having a false conception of the Most High God. From page 63...While he (Neb) was full of his own importance. Nebs world revolved around himself. It did not strike him how unrealistic this was until he was brought low by illness. Sanity begins with a realistic self appraisal. To know what a person boats about is to know the persons God. (we should boast about Christ( Daniel shows that there is no difference between pride and false worship. The Bablyonians were great humanist. To much to fit here but well worth the read but in the case of the humanist system, man takes the place of God. In our time, now we are dealing with that. Abortion and the santification of marriage. Instead of societal ills decreasing, they increase. Our values are not based on men being made in the image of God, but what is right for man. Daniels well being is bound up with Who God was and is. The same well being of any christian is bound up with the well being of the church. . Faithful preaching challenges the members fundamental self-centeredness and contrasts this with the Christ-centeredness. We begin to know the reality of our condition and can do nothing but cling to a holy God.
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