DJVU High Meadow: The Ecology of a Mountain Meadow by Eleanor B. Heady tablet access book sale value

DJVU High Meadow: The Ecology of a Mountain Meadow by Eleanor B. Heady tablet access book sale value

DJVU High Meadow: The Ecology of a Mountain Meadow by Eleanor B. Heady tablet access book sale value

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Book description
This is the story of the ecology of a mountain meadow -- how all parts of nature depend upon one another. The story begins in the Ice Age when the water from a melting glacier formed a lake; this lake eventually filled up with earth and became a meadow. Now the meadow is a wide and grassy area surrounded by a forest and watered by a meandering stream that runs through it on its way down the mountain. The plants in the meadow provide food for many animals -- mice, rabbits, deer, and beavers, and these animals provide food for the hunters -- hawks, coyotes, and mountain lions. The meadow in turn is indebted to all of its animal dwellers for its very existence. If the deer and beavers did not destroy the young saplings on the border of the meadow they would grow to be trees, eventually becoming a forest where the meadow once was. At the same time, the hawks and mountain lions, by killing plant-eating animals, prevent these animal populations from growing so large that they destroy all of the vegetation and leave the meadow barren.Mr. and Mrs. Heady show the meadow in each of its seasons and describe vividly how each plant, animal, and human inhabitant and visitor influences the life of all and contributes to maintaining the natur4al balance within the meadow. This account of the intricate ecological relationships between different forms of life brings to the reader a fuller understanding of the world of nature of which he is a part.~~front flapThis book isnt what I thought it would be, or rather it is, but I didnt realize it was written for young readers. The book provides a great deal of information about how this ecological zone works, and is written in language and ideas young readers will have not trouble understanding. It seems a bit dated now (written in 1970), not in the information but rather in the way its structured for the intended audience.
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