DJVU Gaining Daylight: Life on Two Islands by Sara Loewen pocket read italian tablet cheap

DJVU Gaining Daylight: Life on Two Islands by Sara Loewen pocket read italian tablet cheap

DJVU Gaining Daylight: Life on Two Islands by Sara Loewen pocket read italian tablet cheap

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Book description
For many the idea of living off the land is a romantic notion left to stories of olden days or wistful dreams at the office. But for Sara Loewen it becomes her way of life each summer as her family settles into their remote cabin on Uyak Bay for the height of salmon season. With this connection to thousands of years of fishing and gathering at its core, Gaining Daylight explores what it means to balance lives on two islands, living within both an ancient way of life and the modern world. Her personal essays integrate natural and island history with her experiences of fishing and family life, as well as the challenges of living at the northern edge of the Pacific.Loewen’s writing is richly descriptive; readers can almost feel heat from wood stoves, smell smoking salmon, and spot the ways the ocean blues change with the season. With honesty and humor, Loewen easily draws readers into her world, sharing the rewards of subsistence living and the peace brought by miles of crisp solitude. 
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