DJVU First Feminists: British Women Writers, 1578�1799 by Moira Ferguson (Editor) torrent via online free tablet

DJVU First Feminists: British Women Writers, 1578�1799 by Moira Ferguson (Editor) torrent via online free tablet

DJVU First Feminists: British Women Writers, 1578�1799 by Moira Ferguson (Editor) torrent via online free tablet

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Book description

Book description
An invaluable resource to scholars interested in feminist thought.... --Ruth PerryAnyone interested in womens history or feminist thought must read this book. --Lillian FadermanMoira Ferguson has selected wisely from well-known and little-known figures and from fiction, polemic and poetry to illustrate the long and diverse history of feminist reflection up to and including Mary Wollstonecraft.... Good reading for scholars and a fine book for classroom use. --Natalie Zemon DavisThe selections resonate with exceptional force. --Fides et Historia... impressive new product, fit for classroom and study, student and scholar. --The Scriblerian... excellent anthology... without a doubt at all an immensely important addition to the growing library of Feminist Studies. --Anglo-American Studies... this anthology is a valuable guide. --The Years Work in English StudiesFor this anthology tracing the origins of feminist thought in Britain, the editor chose 28 important writers from Margaret Tyler (1578) to Mary Anne Radcliffe (1799).
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