DJVU Financial Accounting [with CD-ROM] by Robert Libby information full version free page torrent

DJVU Financial Accounting [with CD-ROM] by Robert Libby information full version free page torrent

DJVU Financial Accounting [with CD-ROM] by Robert Libby information full version free page torrent

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Book description
[Textbook] I find Libby, Libby, and Shorts text dynamic, thorough, and engaging. The content draws from real-world cases, with every chapter centering on a brand-name company the student recognizes. Small details reveal the depth of thought invested in making the material as compelling as possible: such as using competing companies in the same industry to illustrate key ratio analysis points and choosing language that reminds the reader of the competition...reminding the reader of the market tension. There must have been an editor reading for story - imagine that in an accounting textbook!The page layout is interesting and useful with copious explanatory figures, charts, and excerpts along with helpful marginalia. Each chapter ends with a cornucopia of example problems to practice each key element.While the subject is still dusty-old ACCOUNTING, this textbook opens vistas of accessibility I wouldnt have imagined.
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