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Book description
I first heard about this book when I was in Ireland and visited several of the memorials and exhibits that have been created to honor the memories of the people who died as a result of the potato blight that struck Ireland in 1845 and 1846. Over half a million people died because of starvation or related diseases like typhus and cholera. Obviously this was not an exhilarating read! For one thing, before even opening it up I knew it was not going to have a happy ending. Readers are immediately introduced to the three generations of the Kilmartin family who live together in a cramped little cottage on the land they have rented for years from the local landlord. Before the first chapter ends readers have already seen evidence of what that miserable little fungus Phytophthora infestans can do. Within hours of being infected potato fields that were green and thriving, quickly turned into putrid masses of foul smelling, black plants. People could literally watch the destruction spread across their fields and out across the fields of their neighbors in the valley. The novel describes all this in harrowing detail, as well its effects on the people who depended on their potato crops for survival. Were also given a terrible glimpse into the landlord system that existed in Ireland at the time -- Absentee English landlords who relied on unscrupulous land agents to force rents out of starving tenants, eventually evicting them because they could not pay. Most horrible of all was the realization that while thousands and thousands of Irish people were dying because they had no food, ships laden with cattle, sheep and other crops that had not been touched by the famine were leaving Ireland to end up supplying the lavish lifestyles of wealthy English aristocrats. It was not a pretty picture and definitely not an easy book to read. But having Irish ancestors on both sides of our family who immigrated from Ireland around the time of the famine, this book was compelling if for no other reason than to shed a little light on why they came.
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