DJVU Engaging Anthropology: The Case for a Public Presence by Thomas Hylland Eriksen online touch offline macbook author

DJVU Engaging Anthropology: The Case for a Public Presence by Thomas Hylland Eriksen online touch offline macbook author

DJVU Engaging Anthropology: The Case for a Public Presence by Thomas Hylland Eriksen online touch offline macbook author

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Book description
Engaging Anthropology takes an unflinching look at why the discipline has not gained the popularity and respect it deserves in the twenty-first century.While showcasing the intellectual power of discipline, Eriksen takes the anthropological community to task for its unwillingness to engage more proactively with the media in a wide range of current debates, from immigrant issues to biotechnology. Eriksen argues that anthropology needs to rediscover the art of narrative and abandon arid analysis and, more provocatively, anthropologists need to lose their fear of plunging into the vexed issues modern societies present.
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