DJVU Egyptian Light and Hebrew Fire: Theological and Philosophical Roots of Christendom in Evolutionary Perspective by Karl W. Luckert iBooks how to free itunes without registering

DJVU Egyptian Light and Hebrew Fire: Theological and Philosophical Roots of Christendom in Evolutionary Perspective by Karl W. Luckert iBooks how to free itunes without registering

DJVU Egyptian Light and Hebrew Fire: Theological and Philosophical Roots of Christendom in Evolutionary Perspective by Karl W. Luckert

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Book description
Egyptian Light and Hebrew Fire focuses on the cosmology of ancient Egypt and on derived traditions. The book outlines how the ancient Egyptian world view affected Hebrew religion, Greek philosophy, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, and early Christianity. It traces ideological roots of Western civilization back to its earliest known prototypes in the Pyramid and Coffin texts of ancient Egypt. It challenges us to refocus some of our history of early Greek philosophy, and it positively identifies Neoplatonism as a philosophized and scarcely disguised neo-Egyptian theology.
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