DJVU Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss information full version free page torrent

DJVU Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss information full version free page torrent

DJVU Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss information full version free page torrent

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Book description
I found this book utterly disappointing. It circles around the most primitive punctuation mistakes and repeats them at no end. It did not answer any of my punctuation questions.If you know that the plural of, lets say, egg is eggs and not eggs, you dont need this book; that is, unless you want to get some good laughs about ignorant people who dont know that you dont use an apostrophe to build a plural. And if you should happen to be an elementary-school dropout, you better get yourself a different book to help you catch up on grammar and punctuation.I also had only limited interest in all the philosophy about the use of punctuation during different times in history and in other languages. I wanted solid information regarding contemporary English punctuation, and I didnt get it.
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