DJVU Dollars and Sex: How Economics Influences Sex and Love by Marina Adshade english free german bookshop reading

DJVU Dollars and Sex: How Economics Influences Sex and Love by Marina Adshade english free german bookshop reading

DJVU Dollars and Sex: How Economics Influences Sex and Love by Marina Adshade english free german bookshop reading

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Book description
Theres a marketplace for sex and love, and youre in it. In Dollars and Sex, economist Marina Adshade converts economic theory into a sexy science by applying the principles of supply and demand and other market forces to matters of love and libido. As she does in her hugely popular blog of the same name, Adshade unlocks the mysteries behind our actions, thoughts, and preferences using engaging research, economic analysis, and humor. The end result is a fascinating look at just how central the interplay of libido, gender, love, power, and economic forces is to the most important choices we make in our lives. Ultimately she shows that every option, every decision, and every outcome in matters of sex and love is better understood through economics.
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