DJVU Deadly Getaway by Carol J. Post (Goodreads Author) book audio shop page author

DJVU Deadly Getaway by Carol J. Post (Goodreads Author) book audio shop page author

DJVU Deadly Getaway by Carol J. Post (Goodreads Author) book audio shop page author

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Book description
Sydney Wilson’s relaxing getaway turns deadly when she and her best friend witness a murder. Before the night is over, her friend is dead and Sydney is floating in the Gulf with a bullet wound in her shoulder. Cedar Key Fireman Wade Tanner lifts her from the water and delivers her to an ambulance. But he can’t ignore her pleas for help, or the fear in her eyes. Soon he is caught up in a life-or-death race to learn the identity of the killers. Because they are closing in and won’t give up until they see her dead.
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