DJVU Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Sabine Baring-Gould italian pdf ebay iphone free

DJVU Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Sabine Baring-Gould italian pdf ebay iphone free

DJVU Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Sabine Baring-Gould italian pdf ebay iphone free

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Book description
This work does its best to discredit original folklore and mythologies by claiming they were naught but a bad influence on the later purified, Christianized versions so heavily employed by the Church to lure a more pagan following into the pews. In fact, the author asserts their influence should have been purged from the Church, that it would have been better they be forgotten than their heathen origins taint an innocent flock. Barf.I know its from the 1890s, I get that. But everything about the authorship, from the lazy scholarship to the rabid Antisemitism, is terrible, and I felt dirty mining the few gems I did from it. I cant damn it as much as Id like, because it did at least preserve those few things, and when it wasnt proselytizing for the Catholic Church it was even interesting, no matter how reluctant it would seem be.Stupidest Part: wherein the author randomly determines Protestantism is keeping alive various heathen practices and goes on to plainly announce Methodism as a sham cover for druidism. I cant make this shit up.
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