DJVU Cromwell by Victor Hugo link online francais access book

DJVU Cromwell by Victor Hugo link online francais access book

DJVU Cromwell by Victor Hugo link online francais access book

> READ BOOK > To and Fro the Ivory Tower: Life in Academia

> ONLINE BOOK > To and Fro the Ivory Tower: Life in Academia

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Book description
Pamela Farris and Marilyn Moore’s years of practical experience as university professors galvanize indispensable advice in this first-of-its-kind handbook on attaining tenure and promotion in higher education. The authors provide a detailed “road map” to guide hooded doctorates through the seen and unforeseen realities, requirements, and expectations encountered on their academic journey to reach the rank of full professor and beyond. Starting with detailed information on how to tackle a job search, coverage expands to the realities of academic life—teaching, conducting research, publishing and presenting, and serving on committees. Throughout the text, scenarios of others’ experiences provide touchstones for variety of situations and methods for handling them. This valuable resource will empower and resonate with everyone interested in a career in higher education—even those who have already entered that arena. Readers will gain insight and strength to achieve their ultimate goals.
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