DJVU Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Become a Sovereign People? by Peter H. Russell pc read value kickass francais

DJVU Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Become a Sovereign People? by Peter H. Russell pc read value kickass francais

DJVU Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Become a Sovereign People? by Peter H. Russell pc read value kickass francais

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Book description

Book description
Constitutional Odyssey is an account of the politics of making and changing Canadas constitution from Confederation to the present day. Peter H. Russell frames his analysis around two contrasting constitutional philosophies Edmund Burkes conception of the constitution as a set of laws and practices incrementally adapting to changing needs and societal differences, and John Lockes ideal of a Constitution as a single document expressing the will of a sovereign people as to how they are to be governed.The first and second editions of Constitutional Odyssey, published in 1992 and 1993 respectively, received wide-ranging praise for their ability to inform the public debate. This third edition continues in that tradition. Russell adds a new preface, and a new chapter on constitutional politics since the defeat of the Charlottetown Accord in 1993. He also looks at the 1995 Quebec Referendum and its fallout, the federal Clarity Act, Quebecs Self-Determination Act, the Agreement on Internal Trade, the Social Union Framework Agreement and the Council of the Federation, progress in Aboriginal self-determination such as Nunavut and the Nisgaa Agreement, and the movement to reduce the democratic deficit in parliamentary government.Comprehensive and eminently readable, Constitutional Odyssey is as important as ever.
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