DJVU Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther by Ginger Garrett without signing author get access online

DJVU Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther by Ginger Garrett without signing author get access online

DJVU Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther by Ginger Garrett without signing author get access online

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Book description
Wrenched from a simple life for her beauty, Esther finds herself at the mercy of King Xerxes. Leaving behind her only relative, her cousin Mordecai, and her first true love, Cyrus, she is thrown headlong into the unrestrained extravagance of palace living. Quick of mind and strong in spirit, she refuses to suffer the fate of her harem sisters and boldly challenges Xerxes to give of his heart before taking his pleasure, thus sealing her place beside him as queen. While conspiracy spins its diabolical web, Esthers mind and spirit waver, and she is forced to confront the past in order to save her future—and that of an entire nation.
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