DJVU Backstage Pass: Last Call by Elizabeth Nelson (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

DJVU Backstage Pass: Last Call by Elizabeth Nelson (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

DJVU Backstage Pass: Last Call by Elizabeth Nelson (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

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Book description
Sasha is overcome with love for Jesse from everything he’s given her—and not just the material items. He’s given her a home, a place to call theirs, and a love she didn’t know was possible. It appears that they’re finally able to move forward at a more normal pace with their relationship and get to know the next step. But when the next step for Jesse is an engagement ring, Sasha isn’t sure she’s ready for that yet. She still has school to complete, a career to focus on, and does she really want to marry someone who’s on the road more often than not? So without giving him an answer, Jesse heads back out on tour and Sasha is left trying to figure out what she needs from him to make her decision. She knows what her heart wants, but her head keeps getting in the way. Has Jesse gone too far too fast or will Sasha find what she’s looking for in what’s right in front of her? == > Backstage Pass: Last Call is approx. 27K words and is volume 6 in the Backstage Pass Rock Star Romance series. This story unfolds over multiple volumes and this is the last book in the series.
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