DJVU Angels of Death: Nurses Who Kill (Women Serial Killers) by Sylvia Perrini (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

DJVU Angels of Death: Nurses Who Kill (Women Serial Killers) by Sylvia Perrini (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

DJVU Angels of Death: Nurses Who Kill (Women Serial Killers) by Sylvia Perrini (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store

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Book description
In this book, historian and best selling author Sylvia Perrini looks at some cases of serial killers, all of whom were female nurses. The crimes of these nurses are heinous and shocking.Luckily, nurses, who murder their patients, are the exception. They are not the rule. However, the number of cases of nurses accused and convicted of murdering patients is rising. It’s almost enough to give you a phobia about going into hospital!!
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