DJVU American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia by Cyril M. Harris pdf online reading

DJVU American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia by Cyril M. Harris pdf online reading

DJVU American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia by Cyril M. Harris pdf online reading

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Book description
The rich diversity of this country’s architecture is reflected in the nearly 200 styles, types, and modes of American architecture that are identified in these pages—more than can be found in any other book. Over 2,500 definitions and nearly 1,000 illustrations describe construction materials and techniques, landscape elements, decorative terms, and practical devices, from precolonial times to the present, and from indigenous dwellings to deconstructivist structures. Wide-ranging and completely accessible, this book is enriched with intriguing historical and biographical treasures. Students of architecture, architectural historians, preservationists, curators, and general readers, whether architecture buffs or simply curious about the world around them, will find it pleasurable, informative, and sometimes surprising.
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