DJVU Across Thin Ice by Tess Garman read txt on iphone

DJVU Across Thin Ice by Tess Garman read txt on iphone

DJVU Across Thin Ice by Tess Garman read txt on iphone

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‘Across Thin Ice’ is the first issue of ‘Nordguard’ series, and who doesn’t love a good comic book?Story – 5 stars. I really love the Far North stories, and this one was captivating, with a good old ‘Jack London’ feel about it. A disaster strikes one of the mines in the northern territories, and so a team of sled dogs is sent out for the rescue, toward the greater danger than the heroes can imagine. Throughout the story Pi and her team have to brave bad weather, frozen rivers and ice drifts as well as skirmishes with bandits – and even though they never get to come face-to-face with the mysterious villains, the story doesn’t lose its excitement, and I applaud the author for the mastery of this level. Art – 5 stars. Amazing art is why we love comics, right? And in this case, the art is beautiful. There is marvelous scenery of snowy wildness and northern lights. There are beautifully drawn animal faces and anatomy. There are lots of details that make you admire the pages. My personal favourite got to be the scene when James McKay treats the wounds of a random traveler the team saves. The said traveler relays some important information there, so at first your full attention is on the conversation. Then you realize that McKay is working in the second plan all the time – cleaning the wound, removing the bullet, sewing it up and bandaging, one step in every panel. I admire the accuracy with which this scene and the likes of it are drawn.Pace – 3 stars. The pacing of the story is inconsistent, and I consider it one of the drawbacks. The story started with a bang by showing us a life and death situation on the mine that sets the whole plot in motion, but then it abruptly slowed down as Pi and her team are introduced. To be honest, I was quite bored throughout the first half of the comic. It’s only halfway through when the action starts and flies by practically non-stop, with only a couple of breaks to let the heroes – and readers, - to catch their breath. At that point I was sitting on the edge of my seat. However, I do believe that the story would’ve benefited if the pacing was more even and not so slow during the first half of the book.Characters – 3 stars. ‘Across Thin Ice’ follows a team of protagonists, so it would be unfair to single out a specific hero, though there are several who get more screen time. However, I had trouble sympathizing and identifying with most prominent character. In a way, having characters with flaws and faults is a good thing because it makes them more human, but being annoyed with a character’s behaviour doesn’t help my enjoyment of the story. In a way, Pi’s risk-taking and London’s overcaution balance each other and make them a good team – but I still think that Pi is too quick to rush into the fray. She is the leader responsible for the whole team, and her protectiveness toward her charges is a good thing, but her total inability and unwillingness to listen to someone who also obviously cares for the team is not. Not to mention that Pi’s way to handle conflicts in the team just made her look inconsiderate for her team members. Nickel’s devil-may-care attitude grated on my nerves a lot, too, but I loved London being the voice of reason and somewhat of a fatherly figure to the whole team. James McKay, the team’s newly-arrived medic, is a character that is especially dear to me: he is new to the world of the Far North just as the readers are, so we often follow events with his eyes. He is sweet, gentle and caring, but also too green and weak to completely fit in with the team, but that just makes him even more endearing. I would’ve certainly appreciated more of Freki if she was featured more, but she was very literally in the background almost all the time and had only about two scenes to star her. I absolutely adore her brother Geri, though. Yes, he is a secondary character who literally says two words over the course of the story. And yes, I love him. He has a lovely, distinctive look about him, and I love the strong silent types who you can always rely on. And it certainly doesn’t hurt that he spends the whole story shirtless. ;) Oleg Kutukov, a military officer accompanying Pi’s group, is too stereotypical for his own good. He is Russian, so of course he drinks a lot, rude, inconsiderate and hides important information about the team’s destination. But he is still a positive hero with a lot of strength to his character, so I’m forgiving the authors for that. Overall rating – 4 stars.
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