DJVU A Darker Dream by Amanda Ashley (Goodreads Author) view acquire free how to shop

DJVU A Darker Dream by Amanda Ashley (Goodreads Author) view acquire free how to shop

DJVU A Darker Dream by Amanda Ashley (Goodreads Author) view acquire free how to shop

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Book description
In four hundred years, Rayven has never met a woman like Rhianna McLeod. She is a vision of light, of warmth, of everything he is not—nor can ever be. Doomed to live forever in darkness and solitude, he knows all too well the risk of getting close to her, yet he hungers for her with a fierce passion hes sworn hell never allow himself to feel.Rhiannas father sells her to Rayven to put food on the table—so she has no choice but to go with the dark stranger. To her surprise, he gives her everything she wants—the finest clothes, education, and the run of the castle—everything, that is, except his touch. For although she senses danger beneath his soft-spoken manner, although even Rayven himself warns her away, she is drawn to this creature of the night, and loves him as she can no other.
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