DJVU A Bad Man by Stanley Elkin ios tom acquire free audio

DJVU A Bad Man by Stanley Elkin ios tom acquire free audio

DJVU A Bad Man by Stanley Elkin ios tom acquire free audio

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Book description
Last 45pp unread. No more please. Another virtuoso performance, with Elkin’s logorrhoeic shtick restrained for the first one hundred until his momentum builds and we have the unstoppable torrent of another fast-talking moral vacuum protagonist, and that maxi-prose with its descriptive prattle pumped to eleven until the skimming and eye-rolling begins. This novel is (for the first 200pp), a captivating and blackly comic romp inside a surreal prison, less interesting when depicting the protagonist’s obnoxious antics outside—Elkin falls into the “dated humourist” camp again with these sections. As it happens, The Magic Kingdom is an absolute masterpiece and one of the finest American novels, so we forgive his transgressions, and we forgive that missed 45pp at the end. More Elkin? Not probably.
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