DJVU 50 Short Science Fiction Tales by Isaac Asimov (Editor, Contributor) book mobile purchase find english

DJVU 50 Short Science Fiction Tales by Isaac Asimov (Editor, Contributor) book mobile purchase find english

DJVU 50 Short Science Fiction Tales by Isaac Asimov (Editor, Contributor) book mobile purchase find english

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Book description
Fifty Exciting ExperiencesYou visit a world where Robots strain to remember the existence of the Men who created them; hear the tantalizingly brief report of a man who returns from a trip to the future; see the snake-armed Thing that emerges from the minds of the people who conjure it. You meet a souvenir hunter in the Thirtieth Century and a schoolgirl who tries to cope with the teaching methods of the Twenty-second Century. You share the terror of an astronaut in a “haunted” space suit and the dilemma of a wife whose husband knows a common chemical formula for destroying the earth. In short, you feel the impact, the originality, and the uncanny atmosphere created by these science fiction experts not once—but 50 times.Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales have been selected for their concise writing, and for punch lines that leave the reader “surprised, shocked, and delighted at the final sentence.” According to the editors, another important aspect of this literary form is “evocation of a background differing from our own.” Consequently, though some of the stories are just a page long, the reading experience is always excitingly unique.
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