DIW: A Decentralized Transfer and Storage Network

DIW: A Decentralized Transfer and Storage Network


Hey guys. Here is another great and promising project you don't know about. Read on.

DIW plans to bridge and solve a lot of issues with the introduction of its worldwide, blockchain based, decentralized network, complete with its own ecosystem and currency. DIW holders will be able to access the network anonymously, accessing a Secure Vault, where they will be able to securely store their entire

'Virtual Life' including sensitive documents such as passports, contracts, electronic health records and login details.

DIW Proposal Project

DIW with up and coming ICOs, plans to bridge and resolve the greater part of the above mentioned problems with the presentation of a blockchain and decentralized worldwide network that is complete with its own ecosystem and currency.

To access the network, members will be provided with Secure Vault, where they can store their entire 'Advanced Life' including documents such as identity, passport, KYC and KYS, budgetary contracts, medical records and entry details. Organizations and individuals worldwide will be able to join and exchange their services as Global Directories. Networks will ensure their identity is validated and details are accurate. The transaction will be completed in full transparency and all network members will be able to see real-life performance of each member through rating scores.

Organizations and individuals around the world will be able to take part and exchange their services as a Global Directory. Access to the network is just provided to substantial holders, having confrmed their accounts by flling KYC/KYS documentation. Transactions will be completed in full transparency and all network members will be able to see each other's real life performance as a rating score

The DIW Token will be utilized and acknowledged all through the system for exchanges between its individuals, empowering higher security. Extra

administrations, for example, scrambled limit arrangements, computerized contract-based escrow benefits and also an equipment wallet for upgraded security will likewise be offered to its excellent individuals.

To top everything, DIW intends to present its own specific Payment Gateway that will be effortlessly incorporated inside internet business sites tolerating both fat and Crypto monetary standards empowering the usage of advanced currencies in regular everyday existence, with the DIW Token being the best type of installment.

The DIW areas of use and phase development

Using a strategic way to deal with tackle our progress successfully, we have divided our planned development sections in 5 phases, which are:

Secure Digital Vault

Payment Gateway for Crypto and Fiat Currency

DIW Global Directory

Paid Escrow



DIW enables the secure storage of sensitive data such as identification documentation, passwords, financial balance and credit card data, validated KYC or KYS related documentation, wills, as well as other valuable advanced data inside an exceptionally encrypted, secure and private decentralized platform. The platform will also allow its record holders to securely share their data to some degree or in whole between them.


Provides an earth shattering and secure medium to website owners to accept payments, in any significant currency, fiat or crypto, using the DIW single login decentralized platform. DIW's Payment Gateway, will be an easily integrated checkout system for some ecommerce websites including those featuring Open-Source CMS such as WordPress and Joomla.


DIW plans to introduce a worldwide directory where account holders, be it individuals or organizations, will be able to list their services and expand their reach. The directory will feature a smart rating system increasing trust and transparency between account holders.


Another principle feature of the DIW platform is the smart contract — based escrow service that will safeguard transactions between parties. The DIW paid escrow service, will be simple to use yet at the same time sophisticated and smart, assuring that all transaction conditions have been met before releasing the funds.


It would be an omission for the entire project to ignore the basic necessity of security in regards to Electronic Health Records. Our vision is for DIW to encompass this sector by enabling the encrypted storage and secure sharing of personal EHRs between account holders and validated laboratories, pharmacists, doctors or other healthcare professionals with the extra choice of using smart contract technology already featured inside the DIW network.

The above capacities sit at the center of the DIW venture. Expanding on these, the conceivable outcomes are unfathomable. As security turns into an expanding need, DIW will be an individual safe paradise one that will permit the safe stockpiling, get to also, sharing of data, empower secure online buys and furthermore enable its individuals to discover, come into contact and work with genuine professionals.At any given time, its individuals will have the ability to just give data they are agreeable to confer to others. These will be made conceivable inside a completely straightforward system, featuring its own specific natural group.

Future Plans

DIW plans to extend its tentacles to the medical world as well ensuring the safekeeping, affirming and refreshing medical related records. This development will ensure that the patient i.e DIW account holder, will have full control of who has access to their medical records and also determine the measure of data the other party has access to.

Visit the links below for more information:

Website: https://medium.com/@contact_47998

Telegram: https://medium.com/@contact_47998

Twitter: https://github.com/mware-solutions

Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5yq2RFc-BOovbPkv65L-sg

Instagram: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2407336.0

Reddit: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18340689/

Whitepaper: https://www.facebook.com/setherplatform/

Announcement: https://twitter.com/setherplatform

Authored by Lelvin: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1275173

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