Dealjoy is a global cashback focused on platform privacy designed to connect online shoppers with their favorite merchants to provide instant cashback crypto. We believe that a truly personal cashback platform is needed for the online shopping industry worldwide to provide a global audience with competitive cashback rates without sacrificing user privacy.

Dealjoy operates between customers and online merchants by negotiating and onboarding the best affiliate deals. As our members proceed to online stores through Dealjoy platform, they will receive a cashback commission for purchasing them, with virtually no identifying personal information being provided to third parties. Global and anonymous micro payments have been made possible through the continued adoption of mass cryptocurrency.

Using our blockchain and ERC-20 technology standard tokens called DEAL, the money back will be provided privately, globally, and directly without the minimum payment limit.Full GDPR compliance, instant anonymous payments, and the possibility for customers to remain completely unidentified by the cashback platform are new standards in the affiliate industry.


Affiliate shopping networks have been a thing for quite a while, but traditional payment methods used to pay members are expensive in fees and require a lot of private details, time, and bureaucracy. Existing platforms utilize bank transfers, paper checks and online payment processors like PayPal to pay their customers. This payment method is not personal and improperly global and includes various costs, such as reducing cashback commissions and invading user privacy.

The affiliate industry is often accused of handling unethical customer data secrets to increase revenues. This is made possible by customers who need to personally provide information and agree on the terms in question in order to receive what they have. Sending personal information to a cashback provider along with a personal order of history is something the desired customer wants to avoid.

Another problem, from the user’s point of view, is the delay between buying goods and receiving commissions. On an existing platform, it may take up to three months to receive actual cashback. It is a long wait, and away from the customer’s ideals.

Consumer research report by RetailMeNot2 Inc summed up the main preference of cashback customers:

  • 96% prefer not to use mail-in rebates
  • 70% prefer payment in a form other than a check
  • more than 55% prefer to redeem cashback offers online
  • nearly 50% found cashback offers challenging to redeem

These results show, once again, that consumers want faster payouts, more convenient cashback platforms, and modern payment methods.


Our revolutionary solution to this problem is the Dealjoy platform, which pays commission money back in our own Etheneum-compatible Token DEAL. This allows us to concentrate on finding the best deals and bonuses for our members rather than dealing with international wire transfers, thus requiring minimum payout limits and reducing the percentage of cashback due for high payment processing fees.

Cashback dealjoy is paid almost instantaneously and with no minimum threshold. Members can entice their TOAL Token into their wallets at any time to trade for other crypto currencies, or be held for potential value awards. Our community managed token token token token model reduce supply in circulation and create buying pressure by buying back tokens distributed back to the community as a commission.

Thanks to the nature of the blockchain-based ecosystem,no personal information is required that identifies from our members. As a supporter and visionary of cryptocurrency ourselves, the protection of personal data is our top priority. We are confident that our community will greatly appreciate this transparent and conscious-privacy approach.



Our main business model is to provide members with access to their favorite online retailers, from where Dealjoy will earn commissions to share with members per their qualified purchases.Dealjoy will save a maximum of 20% of revenue earned from affiliate partners to pay for general business and platform fees and follow long-term marketing, development and token burn strategy.

The rest minimum 80% of cashback earned will be paid to our members per their qualified purchases.As member payments are made in the DEAL token, Dealjoy will continue buy tokens from external exchanges.Affiliate partners pay commissions within a month of eligible commission purchases. To ensure ongoing token reserves and liquidity for instant cashback, 10% of total initial TOAL token offerings are allocated at the backup company.


All cashback rewards will be paid to customers in the DEAL token to make simple and interesting ways to reward our members using the platform. Tokens can be used to make purchases in an integrated DealShop or be pulled into an external wallet. The Token DEAL, by default, is stored in a private user’s wallet on the Dealjoy platform.Since the cashback rate is based on the purchase price of the fiat,the real-time price data from the external exchanges will be used to determine the actual number of DEAL tokens paid to members at any given time. The token value will always and without limitation be determined by the open market on the external exchange, and Dealjoy will only participate in the exchange market through a transparent and pre-determined mechanism of repurchase and token fuel. The DEAL Token is a standard token of ERC20 applied to the Ethereum network. Platforms are chosen for wide adoption, fast transfers, and low cost transactions . Using the ERC20 standard helps the DEAL token achieve high adoption among external and community exchanges.


Because we highly value our early-stage contributors and all future DEAL token holders, we are making efficient and measurable strategies for DEAL tokens to value in value with the growth of the platform’s user base. Dealjoy will use three main procedures to support the growth of the TOTAL token value: token buyback model, token staking, and long-term token burn strategy


Because affiliate partners pay commissions in fiat, and cashback to our members is paid in the TOTAL token, a token reserve constant is required to be maintained by Dealjoy. All tokens paid to our members as money back will be purchased from an external exchange, which means that over 80% of Dealjoy’s cashback earnings will be used to purchase tokens. This buyback model ensures a sustained buying volume for tokens, supporting our value growth strategy.


Upgrade to Dealjoy Plus membership requires locking of a fixed number of DEAL tokens. This involves community token staking models causing reduced circulation supplies and exploiting the long-term value of the DEAL token ecosystem by increasing demand on the exchange and making it very attractive for Dealjoy members to hold and store Token DEAL for various benefits like higher rate money back and instant payments on all purchases.


Part of revenues generated by the Dealjoy platform will be used to purchase DEAL tokens from external markets to burn, reduce total token offerings and increase our token and platform values ​​in general. The token burned will be permanently removed from the circulation and will not be accessible for every use forever. This strategy is applied to stimulate higher demand for tokens, leaving the token holder with an increased purchase of power. Dealjoy will use 1% of revenue to buy tokens to burn.The maximum number of tokens burned per year is 100,000,000 DEAL and the total number of minimum tokens is 200,000,000 DEAL. When the minimum limit is reached burn the token, no more tokens will be burned.


Token sale event will be held in three phases: personal sales, pre-sales and major sales. Public pre-sale is scheduled for August 2018 with exact dates to be published. The main token sales will be made after pre-sales and will last a maximum of 4 weeks (28 days). All contributions must be made in Ether (ETH). The maximum total DEAL supply is 1,400,000,000 and no more tokens will be issued after that. All unsold tokens at the end of the token sale period will become permanently burned.


Symbol Token DEAL

Total maximum inventory 1,400,000,000 DEAL

Token standard ERC20

Initial charge 1ETH = 40,000 DEAL

Token sold 980 million DEAL (70%)

Soft Cap $ 1,700,000

Hard Cap $ 8,400,000


Q2 2018

Website and Whitepaper live.

Building community.

Personal sale begins.

Q3 2018

Sales Token.

Platform development.

The first exchange list.

Q4 2018

Launch of Dealjoy Beta.

Traders orientation.

Mobile app development.

Q1 2019

Launch of global public platform.

100+ merchants supported.

Mobile app is on.

Q2 2019

DealShop and DealFeed Live.

500+ merchants supported.

Global promotion.

Q3 2019

Launch of Dealjoy Partners program.

1000+ merchants supported.

Positioned among the top cashback providers.


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