

Vladimir Belanov

Cryptaur- Expected growth of investments 16 600%

Good afternoon

Pre ICO was over and more than $ 24 million was collected.

41,017 ETH and 1,780 BTC

Join our ICO in the first stages.

ICO will be held in four stages. At each stage, their conditions will apply.

The first stage of the sale will take place from November 27 to December 7, 2017.

At this stage, tokens will be sold at a discount of 40% on the first day and 20% - in all remaining days of the first stage.

The second stage of the sale will take place from January 22 to January 31, 2018. Discount for tokens is provided only on the first day of sale at a rate of 20%. The minimum payment is $50

The third stage of the sale will take place from 12 to 20 February 2018. At this stage, a discount is not provided. The minimum payment is $50

The fourth stage will be held from 5 to 12 March 2018. At this stage, a discount on tokens is not provided, and the minimum contribution is $1000


November 10, it became known that the developers were offered to sell Cryptaur to a group of anonymous external investors who showed interest in the project following the results of a successful pre-sale. They were categorically denied by the Cryptaur Board of Founders. a source

This means that the Cryptaur project is waiting for a great future.


The essential difference between our project and most others lies in the fact that our future platform is not oriented to a narrow circle of crypto enthusiasts, but to the most mass consumer.

Therefore, we provide the opportunity to purchase tokens using credit and debit cards.(December 2017)

To participate in the ICO you need to register.

To register, you need a valid email address and a two-factor authentication phone.

Please note

Our ICO is different from the others.

On the main site there is no button to register, there is only a login button for registered users.

You can register only by referra llink

Middleman is humanity's main burden.

Without middlemen, the efficiency of all social interactions would increase several-fold. And, as a consequence, the purchasing power of consumers' money would increase, too. This could only be a dream before. Today modern technologies allow us to make it a reality.

We represent you.

Cryptaur is a decentralized Ethereum-based ecosystem that will act as a framework for potentially unlimited number of specialized P2P services (dApps) whereby suppliers and consumers of a most diverse range of goods and services can interact directly while increasing the economic efficacy of all transactions being made within the ecosystem.

The unique features of the Cryptaur ecosystem include:

  • Universal payment and reward unit—the Cryptaur utility token (CPT).
  • Multi-functional payment platform—Cryptaur Pay (CPP).
  • Proprietary Social Capital Management System (SCMS).
  • Global User Rights Protection System (URPS).


Cryptaur is to increase the efficacy of all social interactions by freeing them from all kinds of middlemen and making those interactions immediate, transparent, secure and mutually beneficial. This goal will be achieved by creating a fast blockchain-based decentralized ecosystem and organizing user interactions on the peer-to-peer basis. The Cryptaur ecosystem will be used by mass consumers, as well as service and product suppliers, from all around the world.


In a nutshell, Cryptaur is a gateway to an alternative global economy where users – suppliers and consumers – interact directly. The decentralized blockchain-based Cryptaur ecosystem will provide appropriate means and establish relevant rules for its participants to mutually reap the benefts of immediate and instant value exchange deals, such as sale of goods and services.

Users that join the Cryptaur ecosystem as consumers will gain access to a potentially unlimited number of products offered via Cryptaur’s own and third-party specialized decentralized applications (dApps) hosted and governed by the same principles across the whole ecosystem. 

During the ICO and before entering the stock exchange, four actions of decentralized Cryptaur applications will appear!

February 2018

1. GoICO dApp.

Cryptaur intends to launch a specialized dApp that will turn the process of conducting an ICO from a stressful and expensive puzzle to an affordable yet effective DIY exercise. 

March 2018

2. In Vitro Veritas dApp

Inspired by the famous Buurtzorg model, this prospective dApp will be built around the idea of consumers being offered access to a range of secure and affordable home-based health checkup procedures. In some countries, express health checkup services have become extremely popular. Some of them are being delivered at home or at work. 

To address those sensitive issues, Cryptaur intends to create a dApp that would eliminate the risks by making sure clients will be able to know beforehand who they will welcome into their homes, check the qualifcations of those medical workers and leave their unbiased reviews on the quality of services they received. In addition to this, Cryptaur will make sure the service workfow is free from risky factors such as those related to hygiene. Finally, the labs that would want to act as contractors, will also be monitored for compliance with a best practice checklist to be created in collaboration with Cryptaur’s partners who represent some of the most respectable medical institutions of the world, including the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine and the Ukrainian Children’s Cardiac Center.

3. dApp Acquisition Expert Panel.

April 2018

4. AgeHack dApp.

Natural lifespan limits for humans are a hotly debated topic nowadays. However, the general consensus is that lifestyle has a decisive impact on our life expectancy. But lifestyle is an extremely multi-faceted notion, which makes it difcult for a regular person to create and follow a meaningful complex healthy regimen, let alone monitor the benefts it is expected to bring.

Cryptaur’s founders have invaluable experience in the realm of wellness in terms of health-related products, quality of life management, and proprietary health assessment technologies. Based on this experience, Cryptaur intends to build a dApp, as a sub-sector of its whole ecosystem, to specifcally unite those suppliers and consumers who are particularly interested to “hack the age” and achieve better results in terms of their general well-being and longevity.

Prospective dApps Short List

The non-exhaustive list includes initiatives in the following domains:

1. Peer-to-peer Medical Advice Service with qualifed medical experts, including those who retired from their active employment, to deliver online consultations to those who need an independent opinion on their health-related queries. 

2. Household services offered by individual experts, including electricians, plumbers, baby sitters and so forth.

3. Tourist Guide Service for travelers who visit a place where they do not have anyone they know.

4. A home sharing/rent-a-fat dApp that would essentially mimic the business model of services like Airbnb but challenge them in terms of prices and convenience. 

5. A peer-to-peer loan exchange platform is another potential dApp for Cryptaur. 

6. A ride-sharing dApp to offer cheaper and safer transportation options to the dApp users and a fair income opportunity to the car owners who would like to act as suppliers. Centralized ride sharing services take anywhere from 15 to 30% of the fare  paid by the passenger. But it is drivers who spend their time and gas and pay for the maintenance of their vehicles. So why let a third party take that big piece of the pie? With our dApp, the drivers will keep the complete fare and just pay a very moderate transaction and service fee in Cryptaur Tokens (CPTs). 

7. As we expect that the whole domain of education is to be radically changed to coopt the benefts of modern technologies, a dedicated dApp will be created to deliver individual or small-group educational services online. 

8. A specialized dApp may be developed for those who are passionate about their pets. The functionality of this dApp will include a knowledge base on how to take care of pets, a live advice service, and most importantly – a complete blockchain-based  pedigree record for pets that are offered for sale.

Read more сryptaur smartbook (whitepaper).

Investor's office

Another advantage of Cryptaur is the partnership with a network company operating in 55 countries.

This will ensure the rapid growth of the users of the platform in a short time.

After reaching the first milestone of the Cryptaur project!

The total amount collected in the Pre ICO (last until October 31, 2017) exceeded 10 million US dollars.

The Cryptaur team published the Crypto-manifesto

"Hey, Mr. Middleman, your days are numbered! A revolution is coming. Total decentralization and demarketization will leave you no room in the economy of the future. For many centures you, Middleman, have been telling us your blatant lies about your indispensability."
"Imagine a buyer paid 4 dollars for a product. Of these, 3 dollars were pocketed by the middleman. Producer got just 1 dollar. That is how it used to work. In Cryptaur's new economic model the same product will cost 2 dollars, and they will go to the producer in full. Now the producer will have additional resources to improve the product."

Be among the first supporters of this grandiose project! Have time to become the owner of Cryptaur crypto-tokens on super-profitable terms!

Investor's office

Why invest in Cryptaur?

The team includes a well-known businessman billionaire Dmitry Buryak

  He gives people opportunities.

In his thirties and a half he had everything that a cultured person can dream of - a beloved family, profitable business, a secure position in society ...

And all this almost disappeared from his life along with life itself.

Having regained consciousness after a severe car accident, he realized that the most precious thing in a person's life is life itself.

From that day he devoted himself to the cause of preserving the life and health of his contemporaries

"I created Vision company and gave it to people because our main goal is a person.We have everything that is connected with a person, it's his life.The essence of the Vision offer is not in a highly profitable ethical business.The essence of the Vision offer is not in a unique efficient product The essence of our proposal is that we propose to change the quality of human life, this is our ideological platform, without which Vision is inconceivable. "

These words speak to all people of the Earth Dmitry Buriak - President of Vision I.P.G.

Hundreds of thousands of people have already changed their lives with Vision, millions still have to see the great achievements of the great Company.

127 people earned more than $ 1,000,000, and some more than $ 12,000,000

August 19, 2017 Dmitry Buryak shook the news that the partnership with Cryptaur gives each partner Vision and all their acquaintances unique opportunities to become a full-fledged participant in the economy of a new type and easily and easily join the world's crypto community. Partners get the opportunity to participate in the Pre-ICO Cryptaur, gain huge benefits at the entrance and enjoy all the other platform opportunities TO INCREASE ITS REVENUES IN A HUNDRED TIME.

According to D. Buryak, this project will blow up the world. He is very cool and globally change the idea of ​​selling goods and services.

Investments in the project will grow by September 2018 at 16,600% see the entry \ in Russian \

Responsible statement to tens of thousands of partners CPT = 1 $ by September 2018. Now $ 0.006

Please note

Our ICO is different from the others.

On the main site there is no button to register, there is only a login button for registered users.

You can register only by referra llink

Best regards,

Vladimir Belanov

Telegram: @VBelanov 


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