Crimson Tide Sub Download

Crimson Tide Sub Download


Crimson Tide Sub Download

As the Russian civil war gradually gets worse, The U.S. Navy gets activated. Fearing a Nuclear fallout, upstart Commander Hunter and veteran Captain Ramsey along with several other naval officers aboard a Nuclear missile submarine to avert the attack on the United States. But, due to some misunderstanding, Hunter and Ramsey begin to quarrel for command of the Submarine.
When some Russian rebels takes control of some ICBM's, the Americans mobilize. Among the vessels sent is the nuclear sub, the Alabama. But before they leave they need a new X.O. and among the choices is Commander Hunter, who hasn't seen much action. But the ship's Captain, Ramsey OK's him. While on the way, there was an incident and Hunter disagreed with how Ramsey handled it, it's evident that Ramsey doesn't think much of Hunter because Hunter was college educated while Ramsey worked his way up. They're given orders to attack but when they were in the process of receiving another order, the ship's communications were damaged, so the entire message was not received. Ramsey decides to continue with their previous order while Hunter wants to reestablish contact first. That's when the two men butt heads that ends with Hunter relieving Ramsey. Later when some men die, some of the officers feel that Hunter is not up to the task so they team up to retake control. But Hunter has taken precautions.
Russian rebels have seized one of their government&#39;s nuclear missile bases and are threatening to attack the U.S.A. A patrolling US nuclear submarine is ordered to fire, but almost straight afterwards an incomplete counter order brings uncertainty. The submarine Captain and the Executive Officer come into conflict as to which order to follow, and thus the subs crew are torn as to which officer is right or wrong.<br/><br/>Directed by Tony Scott, one could be forgiven for thinking that Crimson Tide would be an outlandish ball of explosions and slaughter, thankfully it isn&#39;t, as Scott gives us one of the best underwater thrillers going. Scintilating characters are cloaked in dynamic claustrophobia, and this coupled with the ever increasing unbearable tension, makes this a must see for fans of films that are scary because of what might happen, and not because of what many blockbuster film makers actually show you.<br/><br/>This is not a standard good vs evil plot piece, or even a good vs insane cretin film, this pitches old school stickler for the rules Captain Ramsey against the deep thinking common sense purveyor Lt Commander Ron Hunter. Ramsey believes that the completed order, which is basically to blast the Russians before they blast us type thing, should be followed, Hunter on the other hand feels that the second incomplete order must be clarified before any action is taken, after all this could be nuclear war. The film then twists and turns as the sub is divided into two factions, mutiny is rife, but what will the outcome be? Can the radio be fixed to complete the order? Will it be too late? All these questions are tensely drawn out by Scott to get the maximum impact from what is an admittedly standard global crisis in waiting story.<br/><br/>No shortage of machismo here either, brutishly brilliant is how I find Gene Hackman in this, his Captain Ramsey is the quintessential leader of men. Then there is Denzel Washington as Ron Hunter, eloquently spoken and a voice of reason, his ruggedness coming to the fore as the submarine starts to implode. There are few better sights in 90s cinema than watching Hackman &amp; Washington go at each other the way they do here, starting off as just a fractious relationship, it then explodes into a war of belief and wills. It&#39;s thru these pair that the film&#39;s neutral stance shines bright, what would we do in similar circumstances? Who would we follow? Both men ethically right, yet both men accountable for probable disaster.<br/><br/>This is a wonderful picture, a lesson in tough tension building that is perfectly wrung out by a rousing Han Zimmer score, the only weak point being a multi written script that tries to fuse pop culture references with technical lingo, which doesn&#39;t quite sit right, but even that can&#39;t hurt the excellently unfolding sequence of events that closes quite brilliantly with a written piece that all of us should take note of. 8/10
This movie is not bad. It is a slick, solid piece of the usual brand of Bruckheimer roller-coaster entertainment (albeit lacking in verisimilitude, also as usual), even above the average level of the genre thanks to Tarantino&#39;s odd bits of witty dialogue, good acting by Hackman and Washington and pacy direction by Tony Scott. <br/><br/>WARNING: PLOT SPOILERS COMING NOW<br/><br/>But it just bugs me that it could have been sooo much better. Only one thing, one little detail changed, would have been enough to make this film a truly memorable one: <br/><br/>Gene Hackman should have been right. In fact, he IS right all along, at least according to standard military procedure. If he had been right, it would not only have been an unexpected and terrifying twist in a plot that veers too much into boring Hollywood conventionalism at the end; but also the film would have made a much more convincing anti-war allegory, by saying that the &quot;normal&quot; morals that apply to our daily life, which are the ones that Denzel Washington is using, cannot, MUST not be applied in war, because war is ultimately a matter of killing or getting killed; therefore it would have shown the inhumanity and insanity of war much more clearly. The way I see it, this is an opportunity missed.
Directed by Tony Scott, Crimson Tide is the kind of sumptuously exciting undersea thriller that moves forward in quick, propulsive waves.
The Unrated Extended Version runs more than 6 minutes longer than the theatrical version. It extends the story in many scenes. a5c7b9f00b

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