Craft of writing

Craft of writing

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Recommended craft books for writers of fiction and creative non-fiction. To be remembered for your words, you need to write with skill and style. Whether you're crafting a novel, composing an e-mail, or creating a technical report, Mastering the Craft of Writing presents 52 practical techniques to improve your prose. Spend a week with each technique, or use this book as a go-to reference. The Craft of Writing [William Sloane] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. “One of the delights of the year is this wise and witty book. “One of the delights of the year is this wise and witty book. . . .For writers of fiction and nonfiction, beginners and pros, [it] will concentrate the attention most THE CRAFT OF WRITING. (C) 2012 by C.J. Cherryh. So you want to be a writer? Writerisms and Other Sins · Avoid anacronism: Pre-industrial Vocabulary. 16 Oct 2004 Katherine Boo's reporting has won multiple awards, including a Pulitzer Prize. Her 2003 New Yorker story "The Marriage Cure" was honored as Next to people wondering where a writer's ideas come from, the question I hear most is “How do you find the time to write?” Currently, I'm working on my 18th 7 Jun 2013 If you want to write a novel or other fiction, learn the craft. Don't fake it. You can learn how to write, learn the rules and the elements of fiction. Craft of Writing. No matter how much experience you have in writing and publishing, you can improve your writing. Just as a musician studies musical theory and a woodworker studies both wood and tools, writers study ways to improve their craft. 13 Sep 2013 If you've ever gotten bored while reading, the parts that you skimmed were probably descriptions of places. It's not enough, as a writer, to use

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