Courage Under Fire Online Free

Courage Under Fire Online Free


Courage Under Fire Online Free

The pilot of a rescue copter, Captain Karen Walden, died shortly before her helicopter crew was rescued after it crashed in Desert Storm. It first appears that she made a spectacular rescue of a downed helicopter crew, then held her own crew together to fight off the Iraqis after her copter crashed. Lt. Colonel Serling, who is struggling with his own demons from Desert Storm, is assigned to investigate her worthiness for the Medal of Honor. But some conflicting accounts, from her crew and soldiers in the area, cause him to question whether she deserves it.
A U.S. Army officer, despondent about a deadly mistake he made, investigates a female chopper commander's worthiness for the Medal of Honor.
The movie has some interesting material, these are the plot and Meg Ryan. Why Meg Ryan? Because as you know she is the actress of romantic comedies, so to see Meg Ryan in such a thriller is surprising, even if there are a few similar examples more in her filmography. However, her character is the key character of the movie and she is a soldier. Why the plot is interesting? Because it is based on a female soldier which is a very rare thing. That's all. The direction is mediocre, the movie is not stylish at all, I don't know who cares this but. Because, it is seen that the movie is liked and nobody cares about the direction or lack of energy in acting. Denzel Washington cannot save the movie, you know, sometimes, the movie is mediocre, but you watch it for the actors's sake, but this is an exception. In other words, even great Denzel Washington is completely forgettable in this movie. It is extremely strange that according to some, one of his bests. By the way, this is not an action movie at all, I don't count one or two flashbacks which show the key event. To me, Basic can be called as the new version of Courage Under Fire. Basic was not a real good movie, but if you ask me better than this one and the ending was a bit shocking that makes it more worthy. Lastly, Courage Under Fire is not a popcorn movie (entertainment), because story is in the foreground by far, not action, not suspense, not direction. I highly recommend you, In the Valley of Elah, a great movie.
For people who just want to see Meg in the roles of this sugar romantic- goofy coms I guess that people were lobotomized by an actress and tarnish her, when she runs away from its stereotype and I'm outraged that they can not see versatility and potential Meg Ryan's polivalency.I just see the reviews, pure flattery these crappy actresses nowadays. Ask for Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie Already piloted an US army chopper in a role? If Michelle Pffeifer or Goldie Hawn(Private Benjamin) played a role very perfectly and naturally of a single mother and determined who dipped the face on the war, and is required in command and demonstrates tight grip and mastery with weapons? without disparaging the Denzel Washignton, which signal, shone like Nathany when reports for soldiers a Karen Walden's deservering Medal of Honor, after Her death by Naphalms, but the episodes of drunkenness became a look dull and weak. Matt Damon,was terrific, skillfully retraced all the facts of 1991's Gulf War. Lou Diamond-Phillips was excellent as paper rebel, rough and impressive and opposite Cpt. Walden. whole more Credits goes to Meg Ryan & Lou D.Phillips, sure as Denzel is a Core person in this movie.Whatever, everybody stunned theirs performance ,But Meg Ryan razed ,and much. Meg Ryan deserves an Oscar. yet, once in her life gone to win.. If God willing.. She's Powerful and more Capable than Demi-Moore, Sharon Stone,and other contemporanies 90'ties Actresses,but Meg is overrated.
The end of the film understandably lays on the emotion a little heavily, but until then Courage Under Fire has been a fascinating emotional and logistical puzzle--almost a courtroom movie, with the desert as the courtroom.
The image used in this article is the DVD cover from the UK release (which is also indicated by the "15" in the lower right corner). This is not a deliberate misspelling or disrespect toward American military by the movie studio, but a special design meant for the UK market. a5c7b9f00b

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