Coronado Hd Full Movie Download

Coronado Hd Full Movie Download


Coronado Hd Full Movie Download

Claire Winslow finds that her fiancé has just traveled to Switzerland, but forgot some important documents at home. She decides to take the documents, follow and spend Christmas with him. Once in Switzerland, she realizes that he has indeed traveled to Coronado, a country in Central America. She travels to Coronado and gets involved with a revolution.
After her fiancé' forgot a few documents at home, Claire Winslow goes to Switzerland in order to deliver them to him. When she arrives, however, she discovers that he is not there, and that he went to El Coronado, a central American country on the verge of a revolution. She goes there, and teams up Arnet McClure, a TV reporter who is secretly assisting the rebels with arms from the US government, who wants to bring down the rule of President Ramos.
Coronado is the story of a beautiful girl from Beverly Hills (Kristin Dattilo - Yola on the Chris Isaak Show) on an adventure to find her fiance. Her quest leads her into the heart of the central American jungle amidst the turmoil of a revolution.<br/><br/>The story has a little bit of everything, including action, adventure, romance and comedy. However, the highlights are the backgrounds, settings and spectacular special effects. The producing team includes academy award winning special effects supervisor Volker Engel and Marc Weigert--they are a bit simple on story, but they sure know how to make a movie look amazing. Since they both have extensive backgrounds in effects they clearly are showing off in this project, and it makes for a fun 90 minutes.
Told in flashback, a woman left alone for the holidays decides to surprise her fiancé by joining him in Switzerland. When she arrives and finds he was never there, she manages to track him to South America. From there it becomes a wild adventure as she hooks up with a scruffy reporter to venture into the jungle to find the man she loves.<br/><br/>Okay, let me start by saying that this type of thing has been done before both better and worse. The first film that pops first to mind is Romancing the Stone because thats the current yard stick for films of this sort. While perhaps not as memorable as Romancing the Stone, Coronado is a damn close on the enjoyment level. <br/><br/>Best of all Coronado doesn&#39;t take it self seriously at all. I groaned at the opening firing squad scene, only to lose any reservations in the next scene as our heroine began to tell her story to two guards in a jail. At that point it became obvious really fast that this movie had tongue in cheek and was out to have a good time, period. No its not perfect, but who cares, its fun.<br/><br/>I can&#39;t recommend this film enough to anyone who wants a confection that may disappear from your mind not long after seeing it, but will make you smile while you watch it.<br/><br/>8 out of 10 for those who accept this for what it is.

Is there a DVD version of this film that has English subtitles? Unfortunately, the one carried by Amazon only has French subtitles. Does anyone know?<br/><br/>It also says it is &quot;closed captioned&quot;, but there was no menu selection to turn that on. How does one make that work in a DVD/Blu-ray player environment?<br/><br/>Thanks!<br/><br/> a5c7b9f00b

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