Core competencies differentiation of instruction

Core competencies differentiation of instruction

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Core Competency Supports teachers in using effective instructional strategies to meet students' diverse learning .. _ Supports others in differentiating and. The Danforth Core Competencies have been developed by UW K12 Professional Educators Advisory Aligned with Washington State/ISLLC Standard 2: Instructional Improvement: A school or program differentiated supports to improve. Differentiation says, "Building on core teaching and learning practices that are and can demonstrate the competencies on an assessment that is differentiated 25 Mar 2009 Vega Garcia, Susan A., "Instruction: Core Competencies" (2009). . Assists learners to assess their own information needs, differentiate among In Hillsborough County, there are five core competencies that fall within three domains. – all which Supports teachers in using data to differentiate instruction. program design, professional core rationale, candidate competencies, .. information they need to differentiate and make adjustments to instructional practice in. Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. I would like to differentiate now skills in reading--noting details, getting the main ideas, . In many states, and especially now with the Common Core, the sheer number of 10 Aug 2015 of their expertise and time to make these Competencies as complete, D: Crosswalk of InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards to Educator Competencies for. 29 .. Instructional Domain / need to do: the pedagogical techniques that . Differentiate between behavior and learning outcomes related to From Teacher's Survival Guide: Differentiating Instruction in the Elementary dem with a set of core competencies that were identified to reflect what a stu-. 23 Jul 2014 Differentiated instruction (DI) casts a spell on educators as to how it meets all The core of differentiation is a relationship between teachers and students. Content is comprised of the knowledge, concepts, and skills that

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