Cooper Reed Porn Actor

Cooper Reed Porn Actor


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The latest scenes of Cooper Reed (aka William) was released by Chaos Men.
It was also the owner of Chaos Men, Bryan, who posted on Tumblr that Cooper was fired by the Humane Society in Tennessee.
So, I asked (via email) Bryan of Chaos Men (CM), for more info. According to him, Cooper was hired three months ago as the animal shelter director of Humane Society tasked of fixing the problems .

And, someone recognized Cooper for his gay porn work. His nude photos were sent to different local heads according to Bryan of CM "Apparently someone who was not getting any traction because the shelter was now being run properly, they anonymously sent his nude photos and some scene images, via postal service, to all the city and county heads. There were some strong homophobic language in the letter as well. Ironically, sending adult material through the U.S. Postal service is kind of a big no no. And a douche bag move."
Because of it, he was fired yesterday but was reinstated after 24 hours according to Bryan of CM "Two lawyers for the county/city were at this meeting and advised them it would be a huge mistake to fire a former Marine, for being gay. That was literally the only issue they had as him as the director."

For those concerned with the shelter, Cooper is asking the public, to come by the place and do a walk through.
Terrible. Cheer up, Cooper. You're an awesome person. Not just saying that cuz I think you're hot.
Straights will never treat us with respect. #abolishstraight
litper said in reply to berkeley...
Bryan is a horrible homophobe with a "straight" fetish
you're a horrible heterophobe...same difference
I didn't see a thing about him being fired for doing porn or posing nude. There appears to be a lot of issues with the shelter itself.
My mistake. The post was not very clear so I edited it. The fired issue came from Bryan of Chaos Men but not reported by the media.
I find this story a bit "Hilarious",,,for I'm unable to correlate the connection on how Cooper Reed can pose a threat to the animals at the shelter. LOL!!
It would astonish me if any DOG or Cat at the shelter found Cooper's work at Chaosmen having a sexual connotation. LOL!!!
All the BEST to Cooper Reed, for his diligent performance to the Adult Industry. :) :) :)
Estelle said in reply to Jason401...
Reading some of the articles online the issue appears to be how the animal shelter was being run and not about his porn career.
Pascal said in reply to Estelle ...
The local news did not report on the leaking of his gay porn pics it seems. That piece of information maybe comes from Bryan, Cooper Reed's porn boss.
I don't know why you'd think that sharing the current director's porn career with the council has anything to do with the way his shelter was run though.
It looks like someone on the frustrated volunteers' side thought they could play dirty in this local power play.
I'm happy about the happy ending for now.
Why should we help someone who is uncomfortable with his homosexuality?
samtheham said in reply to litper...
i know, they should send the media his ecorting website,
Seahawksfan said in reply to litper...
The only person here uncomfortable with their sexuality is you. Your bitter comments say more about you than anything else. I genuinely pity someone like you who seems to take joy in the problems of others. Must be a miserable life.
betch said in reply to Seahawksfan...
uh, what life? he spends every waking moment posting the same crap on every blog that hasn't banned him yet.
litper said in reply to Seahawksfan...
Awww, poor self-hater, you feel so threatened whenever your "straight" fantasy is attacked.
You seem bitter, Who hurt you Litper?
Your question is right on target. Litper is probably an older gay man who grew up at a time when every institution in our society told him he was perverted because he was gay. Some have never been able to overcome those psychological wounds. They have been wounded and so they try to wound others.
Too bad your IP address can't be located so that you can be banned. Your trolling isn't even annoying. It's just stale.
Always like him in his porn scenes, guy is willing to do it all. Now i find out he's an animal lover? Reserve the chapel and marry me dude...
litper said in reply to sammy1023...
He won't marry a filthy faq, don't you see he's 10000% "straight"!
Apologies for my language, but you always get some 'Cunt' who tries to fuck up others progress. For These arseholes who passed his porn information on Karma is a bitch. I do hope Cooper keeps his job and thank god the lawyers sorted the company out, its 2014 for fuck sake.
yeah, it's 2014 and he still pretends he's "straight"
Wow. He has a big dick and knows how to use it. Had no idea he worked with animals. I live in Tennessee and unfortunately this is par for the course.
Sounds like the work of some bitter bitchy old queen who has nothing better to do than hate. Wonder if it was one of the haters that trolls this site?
I bet you're right! Some 48-year-old single bitter queen with man-boobs and back hair living in a shithole central Florida town overrun with meth and rednecks. Just guessin'.
All the best to Cooper Reed, a great performer in gay porn and a former marine, who put his life on the line to serve his country. Semper Fi.
You mean put their lives on the line to partake in illegal wars? I have no respect for the military!
Take that argument to the politicians that send them to illegal war zones.
Fortunately you are in a very tiny minority of ungrateful citizens. I am a Veteran and proud to have served my country in the military and I thank Cooper Reed for his service.
Seahawksfan said in reply to andrew...
Same here. It is simply ignorance that blames members of the military for simply doing what politicians made them/us do. I am a veteran and proud of my service and even more so now that we can serve openly in the military.
"You mean put their lives on the line to partake in illegal wars? I have no respect for the military!"
- By extension of this argument you could say "I hate dogs because they're sometimes used in illegal dog fights and they kill innocent animals for gambling purposes!"
The military is trained to follow orders and do the job it is given- a job that affords non-military members of society a great amount of freedom and security. And yes, sometimes a job that is unpopular because of political or humanitarian reasons. But the military does not decide where to go. That's up to the government.
This whole bullshit of comparing gay for pay to someone who is an actor is just that...BULLSHIT! People playing criminals aren't actually killing anyone but "straight" "actors" are actually having gay sex. There is a term bisexual for a reason. No straight guy is gonna do what they do. It's fucking denigrating to us gay people everytime they call themselves straight. Like they can have gay sex but be damned if they are gonna call themselves gay or bi. Everytime they do it they are pushing in our faces that there is something wrong with us instead of just admitting they enjoy it and call themselves bi. GRR!
Tell that to old pathetic straight-worshipping queens like Seahawksfan...
I agree, calling yourself G4P is basically a homophobic slap in the face to the gay people who watch them. And of course the sheep just eat that shit up SMH
Exactly! I can't wait until the generation of self-haters like Bryan retires or dies off. I can't believe he is comparing being gay to being a criminal... Effectively, that letter isn't an outright statement against firing someone for being gay, its message is seems to be "you thought he was gay but he's actually straight, so he deserves to have his job, just like someone you thought was a criminal but was just acting!"
Seahawksfan said in reply to Todd...
Do you know any of these guys. Do you know for a fact that the have gay sex in their private life? So let me get this straight. You're saying that gay sex is so disgusting that no "real" straight guy would ever think of engaging in it. Pretty homophobic interpretation of human sexuality if you ask me. G4P exists and has from the beginning. No amount of self righteous intellectual tap dancing or narrow self serving definitions of sexuality changes facts or real life experience. Believe whatever you like just don't try to tell us that your hypothesizing trumps the real life experiences of people like myself or hundreds of gay porn actors, directors, or production personnel.
bigrawtop said in reply to Seahawksfan...
On the contrary. They have turned gay sex into a fetish they can turn off and on whenever it's safe for them unlike real gay men.
Many of them shame gay sex with their performance issues. Their reluctance to call themselves bi is when they are by definition is homophobia.
The preferred use of straights over gays is homophobia. Worshiping the straight ideal.
andrew said in reply to bigrawtop...
The real reason that Studios like Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, Randy Blue, Bel Ami and many others employ straight, gay and bi models is because their subscribers like them. I personally like to watch good looking, muscular and fit guys getting it on in hot guy/guy action. I am little interested in who they are getting it on with off camera. All the discussions about the models real sexual orientation is pointless. Since we can't look into the mind of any man to see what his real sexual fantasies, inclinations and orientation are, we should just sit back and wank off to those who give convincing performances. A question for you: Since you call yourself "bigrawtop" does that mean that you are a gay man who doesn't bottom?
Maverick males said in reply to andrew...
I am a Scout for porn sites. I think what people don't realize a big reason those sites use and look for straight guys and why g4p exist is because it creates a much bigger talent pool. If they only used gay men the quailty and quantity of the guys would go way down. Lol,I look for all types of guys, but the gay guys are usually never serious about it, they just keep talking to me bc they want to hook up. Not every gay guy wants to do porn, same with straights. But the pool of straight guys is much larger then the pool of gay guys just because of demographics.
Not sure I buy that excuse. I am always seeing or hearing gay models say they need work, and they are not just newbies or guys who are not quite so hot. Plus as a fan i would rather see a smaller pool of talent if it meant the end product was better. Gay4Pay models often put on a performance that lacks the chemistry and passion that you see when it is two GAY men, and I know most fans I talk too prefer that in their porn rather than some hot straight buy putting on a lackluster performance where he is just going through the motions to get it over with so he can get paid.
I'm not saying all gay4pay guys are like that some I would give an Oscar for their performances But there are several guys who should not be getting asked to perform again but for some reason studios continue to use them for more lackluster performances.
Well most people are not like you, they want to see new guys all the time, hence the need for g4p. If these companies could just keep the same stable of guys and be successful they would, it would cost them less. That's what the VHS /DVD studios did, but doesn't really work in the internet age when you release 3 new scenes a week. People would get tired really fast if you just used the same small group of guys. And those guys who can't find work that you say are not newbs, that's one reason why, again people want new faces not the same old models they saw on three other sites. Sadly is quantity over quality these days.
uio said in reply to Seahawksfan...
Who said anything about disgusting? If someone is aroused by a man then I don't consider them to be straight. Women do not turn me on in the slightest because I am gay; if they did, I would be bi. Pretty simple, really.
Maverick males said in reply to uio...
Well, if u saw one of these videos being made you might change your mind. If u filmed a video with a girl the same way they will be able to cut it together to make it look like you are straight and like girls. If they are striaght guys these videos take all day to shoot since the guys can't keep hard very long. They have to stop, watch some porn to get hard, go back to fucking till they go limp again and do it all over again. But if u want the best looking guys that are willing to do porn a lot of them will have to be straight, there are just more of them. Gay porn will never be all gay guys, just not enough willing ones that have the looks people will pay for.
litper said in reply to Maverick males...
Go away to your republican party meeting, pathetic straight worshipper! Do you seriously think we've never been with "straight" guys?
Joe said in reply to Maverick males...
I get what your trying to say but regardless of how the process is - this finished product is guys being very intimate with each other and that's the images that will remain for ever on the internet . I believe some of these guys indentify as heterosexual and I'm
Sure many of them do have relationships with girls exclusively but what I don't understand is what's going through their minds that when they perform in porn - they will be depicted as homosexual . So I don't really see why your trying to depict them as so straight they can't keep erections etc
They must be pretty messed up desperate souls to subject themselves to this for $5000 if there lucky .
litper said in reply to Seahawksfan...
Poor poor self-hater with G4P fetish...uio is right, we'll have to wait till people like you die off and stop poisoning us with you G4P filth.
Aren't you an older dude? Do you really have all that time to wait?
litper said in reply to Seahawksfan...
(Pretending to be) gay = (pretending to be) criminal
Thanks, Bryan Ockert, for that peek into your fucked-up headspace.
um...while I would be happy to jump to his defense if he was fired for being gay or bisexual I don't think that's what the issue was. He was fired for being in porn. Like Kurt Wild was fired from Subway for being in porn. I'm sure Subway employs tons of mo's as does the humane society.
I suspect the humane society would not be happy knowing they were employing a female porn star either. I mean are we expected to defend porn stars just because they pretend to be gay in movies?
That said...I wack off to that guy a lot so I'm not hating :)
Estelle said in reply to gnormie...
I think most of the issue is how he was running the shelter. Maybe the porn was the cherry on top but then again if porn was involved in his firing you would think the media would jump on that. That being said, this is where at will employment comes in.
gnormie said in reply to Estelle ...
Well the whole thing is looks like he ran the department. A former porn actor with a good job that helps the community...he sounds like he was doing better than a lot of other porn stars.
Frankly, I never liked the face of Cooper Reed, he often looked like the father of his sex partners but getting confirmation that he's really straight tremendously built up his appeal. That's what being straight does to a man- he becomes suddenly delectable. Like a prize-winning wine with all the undiluted aroma & full-testosterone bouquet that goes with it. No weak ingredient. Woof!! A straight military man,the most delicious species, what a feast!!! Yummm!! (The should ban gay models in gay porn, they kill the heat!!!)
Mikhail said in reply to straightguysonly...
Go away you moron, if you're gonna troll, at least be witty about it. This is just sad and stupid, look at your fucking username.... lol I can't.
I think his shtick is rather clever. He's holding up a mirror to these STR8-worshippers... showing how ridiculous they are.
Because many gay men like to watch young hot guys having hot guy/guy sex, whether the models identify as gay, straight or bi doesn't make them "STR8-worshippers" or self loathers as so many Gay4pay haters like to charge. MYOFB!
andrew said in reply to straightguysonly...
Everyone knows you are actually a gay4pay hater. Your pretend extremist positions don't satirize or characterize the positions of any of the many gay men who enjoy good hot porn regardless of the real life sexual orientation of the models. You and litper. loki and bigrawtop can go on hating while most gay men, who watch porn, go on enjoying the hot models whether they are identified as gay, straight or bi.
How stupid. A man's good at his job and you want to fire him because he did porn? That's as
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