City Of Scars Tamil Pdf Download

City Of Scars Tamil Pdf Download


City Of Scars Tamil Pdf Download

Joker escapes from Arkham Asylum and kills the parents of a young boy as he killed the parents of Batman in the past. Determined to take revenge, Batman fights against anyone that tries to stop him as well as evils of underworld Gotham. After all those battles, Batman questions his own psychological problems and tries to find a solution.
**This Contains Spoilers**<br/><br/>This is how a Batman film should be made, it is dark, it has a great cast and great acting. I recommend this film to every Batman fan in the universe because it has a great plot, that is that Joker killed a boy&#39;s parents and kidnapped the boy and it is up to Batman to find the boy, at the end the boy shoots Joker leaving Batman with too many questions and so many doubts about what he has and hasn&#39;t done and it also takes Gotham to ruins, I mean that criminals are going to make Gotham a more dangerous place as we see in the sequel to City Of Scars that is Seeds of Arkham. I didn&#39;t like much the Arnold Wesker and Ventriloquist part but everything else was great. Both Batman and Joker were awesome!<br/><br/>Great film, totally should watch it!
Perhaps this is the truest Batman film ever made. There is a perfect representation of Batman: the costume according to the comics (no armor! Batman needs mobility), the good acting of Kevin Porter, the dark atmosphere, the superhero as both a martial artist and a skilled detective... Showing the intimacy of the Joker was also astonishing. Besides that, it was also extremely nice to see bat-villains and other characters who have never appeared in any of Batman&#39;s feature length movies. Why did we need an independent low-budget short film to have a dark knight similar to the comics? Why the big producers never do that? I prefer &quot;City of Scars&quot; than the more famous (and also nice) &quot;Batman: Dead End&quot;.


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