Ceyron platform-based kriptocurrency investment with trading 

Ceyron platform-based kriptocurrency investment with trading 


terminal kriptocurrency The progress of the financial industry and blockchain is now being questioned. This required a token to be able to combine the two. Ceyron Finance Ltd. (hereinafter called "CFL ") intends to bring together the expertise of the financial industry and the revolutionary blockchain technology. CFL disrupt two different worlds: Crypto Service and finance. www.ceyron.io will be a platform-based kriptocurrency investment with trading terminal kriptocurrency, the ability of a debit card and token deals backed by a secure credit assets. Evidence of Ceyron is ... In tokennya is something that can be used instead of money. Token CEY is a token that will be given to the investor (investors) and that represents the interests in segregated classes of non-voting shares of Ceyron. CEY Token is an intelligent functional functional contract in mutual funds. CEY token cannot be returned is not for speculative investments. Ceyron Finance Sarl (CFS) is a limited liability company established under the laws of a limited liability company ( "Fund ") and is wholly owned by Ceyron Finance Ltd. CFLS and the IMF has signed an operating agreement to establish his rights. and obligations of each party. The Sub-Fund will be managed and advised by Colombus Investment Management Ltd ( "investment manager's"). Columbus Investment Management Ltd., is one of the British Virgin Islands are listed as independent alternative investment management firm specializing in alternative assets and global asset allocation. Fund managers will be responsible for the business of mutual funds and will do all the services and activities related to the management of the assets, liabilities and operations of the Fund. Goals and investment objectives of the investment strategy of the IMF is to provide interesting results above invested capital through quantitative approach exclusively against the assets underwriting credits, given by Colombus Investment Management Ltd. the Fund would follow an investment strategy based on science data. Nonparametrik statistical models applied to the problem of profits expected in the financial investment. Net profit gained Funds in a given month are normally reinvested, but some potential advantages of periodic can be used to distribute annual dividends to the holders of a token dividend the CEY, where approved by the Board of the Board of Directors and shareholders the shareholders a CFL. The token is protected by the due credit portfolio volatility and fewer cash flow asset portfolio credit will also be secured by bonds to increase stability and yield. Fund managers will use artificial intelligence and machine learning to build a secure credit asset portfolio. Blockchain technology provides an effective liquidity for investors blockchain Technology has the potential to provide integrity, safety, security, and greater transparency. Thus, the CFL would use blockchain to ensure the auction low-cost trading directly with the hopes of providing greater liquidity to investors. Prepaid debit cards are an effective account holder can choose some crypto can be used as a quote, and when starting transaction (for example, a dinner at a cost of $83.65), prepaid debit will be used, or the holder may choose the supported kriptocurrency, which will then be sold at spot prices to complete the transaction. Competitive costs Because CFLS will hold both the money and a variety of crypto in every moment, he will be able to facilitate the exchange of funds in the crypto to facilitate transactions and allow the CFL to compete with Coinbase for services and fees. CFL enters the market of emerging Market kriptocurrency grew by more than $160 billion ($160 billion) last year. The giants of finance and central banks invest in the technology blockchain. Investors big and small looking for a more regular market which can benefit from the safety net and insurance coverage offered in the security market are listed. The question posed to developing countries the population of developing countries (South-East Asia, Latin America and Africa) represent more than 2 billion people. Africa alone accounts for 1.2 billion people. This young and dynamic: 60% under the age of 50 years. The Bank gradually adopting mobile banking for: 1) developed the online banking services; 2) digital provides benefits to the parties to integrate millions of people into the formal financial sector; 3) develop payment service merchant. Low interest rates, according to the experts, more than 2.5 billion people are low income and/or middle income not tied to the bank. The traditional agency model to easily meet the needs of the poorest but no longer meet the requirements of the bank as a whole. Reason of the low banking penetration is at two levels. 1. on the client level: most people only low or very low income, and therefore her savings capacity is low. While the monetization of economy has increased rapidly since the 2000s, the use of the bank have not been part of the practice of spontaneous. The emergence and growth of the company very large micro financing is radically changing this situation. 2. at the level of the bank: bank liquidity excess is not an encouragement for customers to thrive. The population density is low add average cost to implementing agencies. Very competitive market of more than 75% of the country has most of the services where mobile money service is already available. This increased competition means that consumers have more choices. Some subscribe to two or three services simultaneously. Very low usage levels of Africa is a world leader in the field of mobile money account 2% of adults have mobile money account in the world, 12% of the holders are in Africa. Every year, the number of accounts open mobile mobile increases an average of more than 40%. In the year 2020, the number of Africans with discretionary income — almost 450 million people – will be comparable to, if not higher than, the Western Europe with an average growth rate of 20% per year. In the year 2020, there will be nearly 800 million people have mobile money account. The result: nearly 10 billion transactions per day, worth nearly 135 billion dollars in 2020. Analysis of user's behavior average payment appears to be a general trend: the withdrawal represents at least 60% of the volume of transactions; the transfer operation is a peer-to-peer 20%; the purchase of call time 10%, 8% and payment savings of 2%. Shy pause through the bank card Holders will receive CEY token privilege to receive their annual dividends on the cards of their CFLS. Lack of credit is secured and unsecured credit applicants for CFL intends to solve the problem in Africa where there is a shortage of available credit for most applicants. In particular, the dividends are distributed to the holder of the token CEY would allow those eligible to get credit because dividends can be thought of as a source of income. In Africa, there is a lack of stable and sustainable income in terms of the credit application. CFL CFL Credit Solutions Portfolio at this time, Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. mortgage owned by non-banks, up from thirty percent (30%) in the year 2013. More than four trillion dollars in us mortgage is available to select hundreds of bank credit platform. Fund managers are responsible for approving the solvency and the risks associated with platforms and identify the credit profile of its assets issued, compliance rules on the origin, volume, duration, and level of assurance, quality management and services. Fund managers will be responsible for choosing the best performing asset that is available on this platform for a portfolio of CFL, and also to clean the assets most at risk in the portfolios of the CFL. Investment roadmap CEY Card Card will become a physical Mastercard CEY, virtual and debit with mobile applications that allow the use of twenty (20) of foreign currency from one card. CFLS can save up to seventy percent (70%) to this cost. Currencies can be traded in both a selling point (the industry average is 3.75% versus 3% for the CFL), and also through the application. In addition, unlike the cost of one and half percent (1.5%) for ATM withdrawals, the CFL does not charge a fee for withdrawal of ABM. CFL mobile applications will contain additional features to transfer funds in the currency between merchant, friends and family accounts, thereby making money of zero percent (0%). CFL card plan to have partners for management costs. This will allow the integration of mobile applications to simplify the management of travel and travel links to many travel partners for electronic receipt management. In short, the CFL would be developed to provide increased liquidity in one of twenty (20) world currency and the currencies of the main crypto. LCF and Blockchain Cryptocurrency (or cryptocurrency) is the digital assets that are designed to serve as a means of Exchange that uses cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of additional units and to verify transfer of assets. Cryptocurrency has been designed as a method for transactions with a value of decentralized owned in digital assets are scarce. This is most striking in a society where the Government lost their money with hyperinflation. Currently, fifty percent (50%) people in the world have a bank account. In the year 2014, it is 62%, and kriptocurrencies take up more space in between people who are not opinionated. Cryptocurrency has been designed as a method for transactions with a value of decentralized owned in digital assets are scarce. This is most striking in a society where the Government lost their money with hyperinflation. Currently, fifty percent (50%) people in the world have a bank account. In the year 2014, it is 62%, and kriptocurrencies take up more space in between people who are not opinionated. New kriptocurrency currency markets operate several years. The difference between the relatively large price fiat money Bitcoin in different major market illustrates the level of maturity of the industry at this time. Blockchain technology is still young, but has already established himself as the registry cannot be modified. Bitcoin is a sign that is speculative, and its value, such as diamonds or gold, beyond the use of the industry, fully motivated by scarcity and guarantee for the holder that the property is unique and is ready to be traded. Security token CFL CFL intends to give, but do not guarantee, the holder of a token with the annual dividend, which must be approved by the Board of Directors and of the shareholders voting. CFL intends to invest the eighty-five percent (85%) of the funds received in the CFL the IMF, and the IMF in turn will invest on credit assets, trying to create a stable cash flow and grow. CEY token (cash flow return cannot be guaranteed and may be affected by market conditions and regulations) CFL intends to use a simple leverage to further enhance its credit portfolio rate of return to facilitate investment return and the growth of the credit portfolio continued underlying tokens CEY (a better rate of return cannot be guaranteed and may be affected by market conditions and regulations) CFLS will improve its ability to build a portfolio leveraged credit by providing lenders with credit guarantees warehouse. CFL intends to hold cash, securities and the symbolic reserves at all times to ensure the liquidity of the token holder CEY (liquidity assets cannot be guaranteed and may be affected by market conditions and regulations). CFL will enter into alliances with providers of bonding that will be used to reduce the risk of loss of capital in total. However, the use of these financial instruments is not a guarantee against the possibility of any kind. Strategic alliances strategic alliances CFL is an established leader in technology blockchain, finance and banking. CFL intends to sign a service agreement with Coinfirm.io regarding the control of KYC/AML (Anti money laundering) for each application token holder. Blockchain technology is the pioneer Ambisafe and ICO offers companies that help the world become more decentralized since the year 2010. Their work is very important in projects such as the Tether and Bitfinex. Recently, Ambisafe are behind this success. Loyal Bank is a bank that is registered under the laws of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Initial Offerings market plan coins CFL Bid Tokens CEY in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is done based on the exemption granted by the Securities Act. CEY token offered here (and non-voting shares of CFL Ltd. held by the holder nomination) should not be sold to another bidder in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines unless rovisions respected FSA. CFL will provide an offer memorandum will be prepared solely for use by potential investors CFLS, which will be published by CFL. The memorandum Deals will be prepared as part of a personal bid to an accredited investor, to the people who will be asked to verify the status of their accredited investor through questionnaires and other documents that are required, and others who respond to the requirements of participation in the jurisdiction they are located. Summary of Technical Bidding mechanism of its offerings to potential investors will be asked to provide personally identifying information when creating an account at ceyron.io to participate in the sale. This information is intended to ensure compliance with the various securities legislation in the United States and foreign jurisdictions, as well as knowledge of the consumer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML). For u.s. investors, they must meet the requirements of the standard "Qualified Investors " pursuant to section 506 (c) of Regulation D Securities Act. An investor may indicate that he qualifies as an eligible investor by documenting and download a document on the web site ceyron.io, as described in the following section entitled "the investment's Participation". Participation in the offer is an offer to potential investors in the United States is limited to accredited investors within the meaning of Regulation D of the Securities Act, that only persons or entities that are included in one or more of the following categories: banks , as defined in paragraph 3 (a) (2) of the Securities Act, or the savings and credit associations or other institutions as defined in section 3 (a) (5) (A) of the Securities Act of the individual or fiduciary relationships; a dealer registered under section 15 of the Exchange Act; the insurance companies referred to in article 2 (13) of the Act of the effect; any investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or a business development company that is section 2 (a) (48) of that Act; every small business investment company approved by the United States Small Business Administration under section 301 (c) or (d) of the small business Investment Act of 1958 year; a plan that is created and maintained by a State, section ketatanegaraannya or body or instrument of a country or the part ketatanegaraannya for the benefit of its employees, if such plan has total assets of more than US $5 million (5 billion) $);d 60s any benefit plan within the meaning of the Act, the 1974 Employee Retirement Income, if the investment decision is made by the trustee in accordance with article 3 (21) of the Act, a bank may borrow, save, Association, company or insurance advisor the investment is registered, if the total assets of the plan benefits exceed five million us dollars ($5 million) or, in the case of a plan that is set on its own; Any private company development company is a part 202 (a) (22) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 years; Any organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the year 1986, as amended, the company, Massachusetts or similar, or trust company that was not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the shares the usual, with total assets exceeding USD 5 million (USD 5 million); Any Director or officer of the company; Any individual who has a net worth or net worth along with the person's spouse, not including the value of their primary residence that is clean of debt mortgages and other liens, at the time of their purchase exceeds $1 million ($1 million) . $); Each individual personal income exceeds two hundred thousand u.s. dollars ($200,000), or the combined income with his partner of more than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000), for each of the last two years and which is reasonably expect to achieve the same level of income for the current year; Each trust total assets greater than five million us dollars ($5 million) and that was not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the common shares purchased by a sophisticated person described in Rule 506 (b) (2) (ii) of the Regulation D; or Any entity that shareholders are all qualified investors to invest in these Deals, the investor must first create an account and sign up at www.ceyron.io. In accordance with article 506 (c) Securities Act, proof of the status of mandatory accreditation invested. It can be filled during the account creation process by completing the accreditation process with one of the three following ways: income based Accreditation Accreditation based on net asset investors investors third-party Verification Letter Post requirement and limits the transfer Signs CEY offered and is issued to people other than the people of United States based on Regulation S law effect. Each customer will be deemed to represent the CEY token, guarantee and receive the following: either it: Quality Investors (as defined in rule 501 of Regulation D pursuant the Securities Act); or is not a U.S. Person " " and obtain the token CEY in offshore transactions " " If the customer is a buyer in a transaction in the United States, you know that until the end of the lock-up period, you will not be allowed to offer, sell or transfer token CEY and after that date, you are no longer authorized to sell or transfer token CEY to others in the United States unless they sell all their token CEY to one person in the United States. If the customer is a buyer who make transactions outside the United States in accordance with the rules of the regulation, you acknowledge that you may not sell or transfer Token CEY at any time to the U.S. or for the account or benefit of U.S. Persons ' within the meaning of Rule 902 upon the Securities Act. However, non-us people can sell token CEY to other foreign investors with respect to the foreign operations in accordance with Rule 903 and 904 of the Securities Act and can comply with the legislation in force. the other Token CEY will not be sold to anyone with another offer in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines unless the provisions of the FSA to follow. Customer acknowledges that the CFL will not be required to accept the registration of the transfer Token CEY earned CFL, except at the moment provide proof satisfactory to the CFL that restrictions set forth herein have been observed. Reporting and transparency to investors the value of Net Assets statement of mutual fund asset value published intends CFL clean Funds on a monthly basis and quarterly on its site. The methodology for calculating the net asset value NAV = (accumulated accumulated interest-accumulated net loss)/(total amount of loan principal + cash) Net Asset Value per token CEY would be calculated by dividing the net asset value by the number of tokens in circulation on CEY date calculations are rounded to the nearest cent. The number of token CEY circulation is calculated as the number of Token CEY issued and outstanding, reduced by redemption made by CFL. Token of Ceyron use of product token Funds will be used to finance the CEY: General Business Risk RISK FACTORS in case of economic downturn, the company's business plan, the ability to generate revenue and overall solvency can be risky. Companies in the start-up phase is generally very risky and the chances of failure of the company whatever the business climate in General is possible. Specific business risk investment vehicles of this nature involve various risks that are attached, which can lead to: (i) loss of capital of investors as a whole, (ii) the results of the investment under the target, or (iii) the lower than expected liquidity, among others. Credit risk there is no guarantee that the investment objectives of the IMF will be achieved and investors will not suffer losses. To reduce the risk of significant credit losses, the CFL will take the appropriate credit loss provisions, which will be accumulated on each asset in accordance with our credit guidelines, which is the typical financial institutions that invest in similar credit assets. . Portfolio risk there is a risk that the CFL will not achieve the desired results. Coupon and yield to maturity of the portfolio of CFL is very important for our ability to generate consistent dividends for shareholders and to continue to reinvest our portfolio, thus increasing the lasting value of portfolio and the token. CFLS may not achieve the desired level of debt in its portfolio with the cost of debt is desirable. As a result, there is a risk of investor's net portfolio returns will not be achieved. As far as the CFL intends use leverage senior financial, risk to the investor can be enhanced by the existence of the guarantee the guarantee of seniority senior against assets in the portfolio. Token Token CEY liquidity risk may not achieve the desired level of liquidity, which will produce less liquidity than expected for the investor. The risk of regulatory failure of the CFL to get regulatory approval earlier in the area of the jurisdiction in which the company operates or the refusal of regulators to give such authorization on the territory of jurisdiction that can operate can prevent the CFL to maintain or expand its activities. In addition, changes in laws or regulations, including the application of the requirement of licensing, advertising, the Internet or e-commerce new regulations (or changes to the application or interpretation of the law or rules of law that exists). Jurisdiction where the CFL currently operate may require the CFL to stop operations or change the way its operations in such jurisdiction. These changes can also negatively impact operations, financial condition, privacy and data security all data provided to us is stored in a secure computing environment are protected by secure firewalls to prevent unauthorized access is not valid. Companies control access so that only those who need access to the data of the investors who have access to it. All the team members security and training CFLS are required to adhere to a set of security policies, procedures and standards related to their duties. The management team of the CFL Advisor direction Website : https://ceyron.io/ Whitepaper : https://ceyron.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/White-Paper-ICO-CEY-Token-UPDATED31012018.pdf telegram channel: https://t.me/joinchat/HlFUXhLIUYQL88_NtoM4sA Author : Ghaniindependen My Profile Btt : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile%3Bu%3D1318272 My ETH wallet : 0x1a505ccE73B679996E68Bf954334c098f21F1dDB

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