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Roan Hoefling, a Canterbury School baseball player, caught top MLB prospect Wander Franco's first home run ball on Tuesday night in Tampa. (Photo courtesy of Amy Hoefling)
Published: June 23, 2021 5:01 PM EDT
Published: June 23, 2021 5:01 PM EDT
A 15-year-old from Southwest Florida made a lucky catch at the Tampa Bay Rays game Tuesday night, and it was probably more determination than just luck.
Roan Hoefling watched history – and became a part of it. He said he knew he’d make the catch, no matter what.
“There was some pretty big people in that first row that I had to get over and I remember I landed on somebody and I came down.”
The Canterbury School infielder and pitcher got seats in left field for the Rays’ game against the Boston Red Sox. He wanted to be there to see the Major League debut of Wander Franco, baseball’s No. 1 prospect. When Franco hit the ball right at him, Roan’s baseball training kicked in.
“Can’t let anybody take it from me,” he said.
Video of the moment shows Roan, in a Rays jersey, lean over the guy next to him and snag the home run ball. It was a historic moment for both.
“I just jumped for it and I was like, when I landed, I saw it in my glove and I was like completely speechless,” Roan said.
Roan gave the ball back to Franco after the game. In return, the Rays phenom posed for photos and gave him a lot of Rays swag, including a signed bat.
“That milestone is just the beginning; I feel like to be a part of that just makes me want to join him in going to the MLB and trying to make my own milestones.”
The teen has big league dreams of his own, but catching a home run ball was a dream come true in itself.
Roan told WINK News that Tuesday night will always be one of the best nights of his life.
In his postgame interview, Franco said the ball will go back home to his family in the Dominican Republic.
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WINK News, Southwest Florida's News Leader

Richard Hartley-ParkinsonMonday 31 Jul 2017 11:47 am
A surge in seizures of child-like sex dolls by border officers has led investigators to identify dozens of previously unknown suspected paedophiles.
The lifelike silicone sex aids, which weigh around 55lbs and can cost thousands of pounds, are being imported into the UK after being sold by traders on sites including Amazon and eBay, the National Crime Agency (NCA) said.
The dolls, often manufactured in China and Hong Kong, are a ‘relatively new phenomenon’ in the UK and should be criminalised, the operations manager at the NCA’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP), Hazel Stewart, said.
Border Force officers have seized 123 dolls in little more than a year since March 2016 and so far seven people have been charged with importing them, including one man who was jailed last month.
The figures were revealed as a judge at Canterbury Crown Court dismissed an attempt by ex-primary school governor David Turner’s barrister to argue that a doll he imported was not obscene.
Graphic: Surge in child sex dolls being imported to UK
Graphic: Surge in child sex dolls being imported to UK
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Former churchwarden Turner, 72, pleaded guilty on Monday to importing the child sex doll after the application to dismiss the charge was turned down.
Of the seven men charged with importing the dolls so far, six also faced child porn allegations.
Dan Scully, deputy director for intelligence operations at the Border Force, said this showed those who ordered the models often strayed into sex crimes.
‘Border Force intelligence and detection officers started to notice an increase in prevalence of seizing these child-like dolls.
‘What’s critical, I think, for this investigation, these items were going to individuals, in many cases, who were committing other offences in relation to harm of children,’ he said.
‘They were also, critically, people who were otherwise unknown to UK law enforcement in having an interest in sexual activity with children.
‘By identifying these importations, working with partners, what we’ve identified is a whole set of people with interests in sexual activity with children who were completely unknown.’
The NCA, CEOP and Border Force launched a joint investigation in March last year and asked a paediatrician to examine some of the models seized to confirm their belief that the dolls were child-like in appearance and anatomy.
Border Force officers have powers to seize items they believe are indecent or obscene under customs legislation, with those who ordered them prosecuted under a specific charge of importing an indecent or obscene article.
While NCA agents do not believe any similar models are being manufactured in the UK, Ms Stewart said there were concerns over a gap in legislation because it is not illegal to own a child sex doll.
Ms Stewart said finding which legislation to prosecute offenders under was a ‘head-scratcher’ at first.
‘Certainly the work our colleagues at the Border Force brought to us was new,’ she said.
‘Their usual seizures don’t include this type of article, it’s more the traditional criminality of guns and drugs.’
Mr Scully admitted it was not always possible to search every box going through customs and rely on officers to spot the hallmarks of a child sex doll delivery, which are often labelled as something else.
Ms Stewart admitted investigators were ‘playing catch-up’ and many of the investigations into the seizures, which were mostly of a single doll bought by one individual, were at a very early stage.
Some cases which were marked ‘no further action’ at the start of the investigation will also be reviewed and further prosecutions expected.
Asked if there should be new laws to combat the rise in child sex dolls, Ms Stewart said: ‘I think it’s got to be through the full range of this criminality, from manufacturer to sale, to import, to possess – the full range.
‘And we need to make sure it’s future-proofed in case there is the introduction of the sexbots, the sex robots.’
Ms Stewart said the dolls were unlike those people might associate with stag dos and were the precursor to more sophisticated child sex robots, which she warned were ‘just around the corner’.
‘They are the weight of a seven-year-old child, they are not something that is the traditional blow-up doll,’ she said.
‘(They are) very, very different – very, very more accurate anatomically.’
The dolls, with their unnerving glass-eye stare, false eyelashes and crooked fingers and toes, often come packaged with accessories including a choice of wigs, a USB device to warm the spongy silicone skin, and a cleaning device.
The men who import them often buy clothes to dress them up in, with examples including a lacy thong, negligee and pink lacy crotchless body stocking, Ms Stewart said.
Andrew Dobson, 49, of Merrivale Road, Wistaston in Crewe, was jailed at Chester Crown Court in June for two years and eight months in what is thought to be one of the first prosecutions for importing a child sex doll in the UK.
And the trial of issue at Canterbury Crown Court in the case of Turner, of Hollicondane Road, Ramsgate, was described as setting an ‘important’ precedent in how suspects can be prosecuted.
Turner was unable to be sentenced on Monday because a pre-sentence report had not been prepared. Judge Simon James said the importation of a child sex doll was an ‘unusual offence’ and that it ‘adds a degree of complexity’.
He was freed on bail to be sentenced on September 8 for the importation charge and for pleading guilty at an earlier hearing to possessing or making more than 34,000 indecent images of children aged around three to 16.
Jon Brown, head of development at the NSPCC, said: ‘There is no evidence to support the idea that the use of so-called child sex dolls helps potential abusers from committing contact offences against real children.
‘And in fact there is a risk that those using these child sex dolls or realistic props could become desensitised and their behaviour becomes normalised to them, so that they go on to harm children themselves, as is often the case with those who view indecent images.
‘The NSPCC is calling on Government to take action to criminalise the manufacturing, distribution and possession of these grotesque dolls, in the same way it does indecent images of children.
‘And until this loophole is closed, online retailers who have these items available to purchase should immediately remove them from sale.’
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Lifelike sex dolls have helped police to track down lots more suspected paedophiles (Picture: John Stillwell/PA Wire)
A boxed up sex doll of the type imported from abroad which can be used for sexual gratification (Picture: John Stillwell/PA Wire)
They are being seized by the UK Border Force in increasing numbers (Picture: John Stillwell/PA Wire)
They can often cost thousands of pounds (Picture: John Stillwell/PA Wire)
Deliveries of the sex dolls are difficult to identify because the boxes often contain something else (Picture: John Stillwell/PA Wire)
Ex-primary school governor and churchwarden David Turner pleaded guilty to importing a child sex doll from China (Picture: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire)

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