Carboneum: The Social Exchange platform for the future

Carboneum: The Social Exchange platform for the future


Carboneum is making a decentralized social exchange and unique platform , named CoinRadars. Where conventional social exchanging stage takes care of multifaceted nature issue, despite everything it needs straightforwardness and stays defenseless against single purpose of disappointment chance. The stage will be absolutely safe to such issues. It is worked to help and scale with a sound income demonstrate where consummate arrangement of interests is organized.


On CoinRadars, Ethereum is completed basically on the key reason for relationship in social trading instrument, helping the system to perceive and submit one customer to another, or particularly, an enthusiast to a pioneer, by methods for canny contracts. It similarly gives endorsement for the phase to organize rules, discipline and settlement practice through such on-chain advancement.

The Key offers of CoinRadars are :


• Simplicity,



•and Incentivized Business Model.

We intend to make a trading and wander stage for cutting edge assets and computerized monetary forms which affirms the best level of getting the hang of sharing, progresses the purest sort of straightforwardness whereby all trading activities and exercises are recorded and ended up being totally traceable, certain and auditable through utilization of blockchain development. Furthermore, most importantly, we are to an extraordinary degree made plans to amass a contraption that adjusts the trading decision for newcomers, who everything considered are not as imaginatively and in actuality trained, appeared differently in relation to those industry veterans, by executing the thoughts of social trading/copy trading.

Carboneum Trading Mechanism

To exemplify the idea of decentralization, Carboneum embraces íull customization oí the attractive rate o fc for pioneers on disseminated application (dApps). As any hypothesis of essential fInance would propose, chance resistance is a profoundly delicate trademark interesting to any given financial specialist. In like manner, an absolutely decentralized stage ought to enable devotees and pioneers to organize diverse expected returns and hazard inclinations and match them uninhibitedly. A few financial specialists may appreciate more prominent greatness of speculation return, remembering the more elevated amount of hazard related to such choice. Different financial specialists, then again, may be more Contingent and have lesser hazard resistance, consequently bringing down their normal return. In a similar way, the extraordinary yet remarkably ideal adjust of hazard resilience and expected returns ought to be reflected in the way changing rate of expense is charged by every pioneer, ro mirror our aggregate push to democratize venture scene and grasp such decent variety. The agreement setup process cornes with straightforward advances cabin is completely straightforward and completely secured for all gatherings included.


Exchange like a genius: This empowers any clients to play a part of supporter, giving the green light to them to copy the exchanges of a main merchant.

Rest like you at no other time: Stop-misfortune orders are intended to restrict a speculator's misfortune on a situation in a cryptocurrency. Seat strap" Feature will empower you to setup programmed security for every one of your exchanges.

Watch the genuine Whale: Whale Watcher highlight gives you knowledge into the activities of the huge speculation administration of pioneer portfolio that oversee a great many dollars worth of benefits - the genuine "whales" of the venture world.


StockRadars is the group in a perfect world made to handle this test as demonstrated in exemplary achievement and all around reported reputation in building and building up Thailand's main online stock exchanging and explanatory stage with 680,000 application downloads, twofold digits nearby and territorial business accomplices and 76 forms refreshed since propelled.

StockRadars champions crowdsourcing and learning sharing to the best extent and immovably trust the uprising significance of blockchain innovation would just further connote a difference in speculation scene and give boundless open doors in borderless market of advanced resources and digital forms of money.

StockRadars likewise figured out how to accomplish 25 percent advertise entrance in light of the quantity of month to month dynamic web dealers; in each four individuals who exchange stocks on the web, one of them effectively utilizes StockRadars.


C8 token is ERC20 insightful contract which empowers supporter to pay their pioneer and be used as a piece of various activities on CoinRadars arrange.


Token Name: C8

Token available to be purchased: 120,000,000

Tokens Hard Cap: USD 12,000,000

Tokens Soft Cap: USD 1,200,000

Token Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 8,000 C8

Dispersion of Tokens

60% Pre-Sale and ICO

20% Company

12% Team and Partner

5% Advisor

3% Rewarding Token (client obtaining)

Assignment of Funds

half Platform and Protocol Development

25% Marketing and Business Development

10% Operating Expenses

10% Research and Consultancy Fee

5% Legal and Compliance Fee


Carboneum Token’ (C8), will be used primarily on, but not exclusively to, social trading features for digital assets. C8 certainly offers other utilities for premium services in the future, such as substantial discount on every type of fee. For ICO,120 million C8 tokens will be offered publicly at a fixed price of 0.1 USD per unit. The pre-sale period starts on 8 March 2018, followed by the public sale on 11 June 2018


22 Feb 2018: Announce on StockRadars Day 2018.

March 8, 2018: Pre-Sales ICO 10:08 (GMT +7)

8% Bonus applied for pre-sale period.

Apr 22, 2018: Crowd Sale ICO @ 10:08 (GMT +7)

May 22, 2018: ICO Closes

May 31, 2018: All tokens will be distributed

October 2018: First launch: CoinRadars, crypto information and analytics platform

Q1 2019: Pre-launch social trading platform

Q2 2019: A complete social trading platform for cryptocurrency and digital assets.

Q3 2019: Pre-launch social trading platform for security

For more information please visit





Authored by Danny_yell:;u=1273420

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