


Африканская республика Камерун находится на западе Центральной Африки, у Гвинейского залива. Камерун разбит на десять регионов с административными центрами.  Африканская республика Камерун находится на западе Центральной Африки, у Гвинейского залива. Камерун разбит на десять регионов с административными центрами. Действующая столица республики — город Яунде, а самый крупный город — Дуала.

Столица — г. Яунде 1,12 млн. Территория — ,44 тыс. Административно-территориальное деление — 10 провинций. Население — 16,06 млн. Официальные языки — французский и английский. Религия — христианство, ислам и традиционные африканские верования. Денежная единица — франк КФА. Национальный праздник — 20 мая — День провозглашения республики Континентальное государство, на западе омывается водами Атлантического океана залив Биафра. Граничит на северо-западе с Нигерией , на севере и северо-востоке — с Чадом , на востоке — с Центрально-Африканской Республикой , на юге — с Габоном , Конго и Экваториальной Гвинеей. Береговая линия — км. Остальную часть занимают приморская низменность, котловина о. Чад и вулканический массив Камерун, где находится действующий одноименный вулкан — наивысшая точка страны м. Полезные ископаемые — алюминий, бокситы, гранит, железо, кобальт, мрамор, никель, нефть, природный газ, рутил и уран. Наибольшее количество осадков — до мм в год — выпадает в районе Дебунджа склоны вулкана Камерун , занимающего по уровню влажности 2-е место в мире. На реках много порогов и водопадов, судоходны Бенуэ и Логон. На территории Камеруна находится южная часть о. На севере — саванны и степь. Богатая фауна — антилопы, бегемоты, буйволы, гепарды, гиены, гориллы самое многочисленное стадо в Африке , жирафы, зебры, змеи и ящерицы по видов , крокодилы, леопарды, львы, носороги, вида птиц, слоны, черепахи 12 видов. В прибрежных водах и реках насчитывается видов рыбы, обитают лангусты. Средняя плотность населения — 33,1 чел. Рождаемость — 35,08 на чел. Детская смертность — 69,18 на новорожденных. Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни — 47,95 года мужчины — 47,1 женщины — 48, Все показатели даны по состоянию на Покупательная способность населения — 1,8 тыс. США Полиэтничная страна, многочисленные народы говорят на языках, диалектах и наречиях 50 из них имеют письменность. Этнический состав африканского населения: нагорные банту или бамилеке бамилеке, бамун, мета, янбаса и др. Неафриканское население европейцы, арабы-шоа и др. Камерун — один из крупнейших в Тропической Африке экспортеров мигрантов. В в странах ЕС в основном во Франции насчитывалось 21 тыс. Христианство начало распространятся с серед. Действующая конституция принята в , внесены поправки в декабре Главой государства и верховным главнокомандующим вооруженными силами является президент, избираемый всеобщим прямым и тайным голосованием на 7-летний срок. Может избираться на этот пост не более двух раз согласно поправкам от Парламент — однопалатное Национальное собрание мест , депутаты которого избираются путем всеобщего прямого и тайного голосования на 5 лет. Государственный флаг — прямоугольное полотнище, разделенное на три вертикальные полосы одинаковых размеров зеленого, красного в середине и желтого цвета. На фоне красной полосы в центре размещена пятиконечная звезда желтого цвета. Вооруженные силы насчитывают 22,1 тыс. Расходы на оборону — ,2 млн. Основа — политика неприсоединения. Поддерживает тесные отношения с Францией. В — имели место военные столкновения с Нигерией из-за споров по вопросу принадлежности богатого нефтью п-ва Бакасси. Дипломатические отношения с СССР установлены 20 февраля В декабре РФ признана его правопреемницей. Правительственная делегация Камеруна посетила Москву в В декабре в Камеруне побывала делегация Государственной думы РФ. Посольство Республики Камерун в РФ — г. Москва, ул. Поварская, Посол — г-н Нгонганг Уанджи Андре. Во второй половине х в Криби создана оффшорная зона добыча нефти. Обрабатываются 3 млн. Выращивают авокадо, арахис, бананы-плантэн, батат, бобовые, картофель, кокосовую и масличную пальму, кукурузу главная продовольственная культура , кунжут, маниок кассаву , овощи, просо, рис, сахарный тростник, сорго, таро и ямс. Площади, занятые под экспортные культуры какао-бобы, каучуконосная пальма гевея, кофе, перец, табак, хлопок и чай , составляют ок. Камерун — один из основных производителей каучука в Африке. Животноводство разведение крупного рогатого скота, коз, овец и свиней развито слабо из-за мухи цеце, птицеводство — разведение кур, уток, цесарок и пр. Рыболовство ежегодный вылов камбалы, морского окуня, сардинеллы и др. Остается нерешенной проблема разграничения континентального шельфа в Гвинейском заливе. Вырубка лесов по темпам их исчезновения Камерун стоит на 5-м месте в мире привела в северных районах к опустыниванию. Интенсивно развивается горнодобывающая промышленность — добыча нефти с и природного газа, промышленная добыча алюминия, бокситов, гранита, известняка, мрамора и рутила. Работают крупные алюминиевые комбинаты в Мартапе и Эдеа, нефтеперерабатывающий завод г. В объем импорта 1,96 млрд. США незначительно превышал объем экспорта 1,87 млрд. Основные товары импорта: машинное, электро- и транспортное оборудование, продукты питания и топливо. Основу экспорта составляют алюминий, какао-бобы, кофе, неочищенная нефть и нефтепродукты, пальмовое масло, строевой лес и лесоматериалы, а также хлопок. Санага, и Лагадо на р. Транспортная система развита недостаточно. Общая протяженность железных дорог основной вид транспорта — 1,01 тыс. Неразветвленная сеть автомобильных дорог, их протяженность составляет 34,3 тыс. С расходы по ремонту и поддержанию покрытия автодорог финансируются Евросоюзом. Начато строительство нефтепровода Чад—Камерун 1,12 тыс. В насчитывалось 47 аэропортов и взлетно-посадочных площадок 11 из них с твердым покрытием. Международные аэропорты находятся в городах Гаруа, Дуала и Яунде аэропорт Нсималан, открыт в Денежная единица — франк КФА африканский франк , состоящий из сантимов. В декабре курс национальной валюты составлял: 1 долл. Прекрасные условия для развития туристической индустрии — ландшафтное разнообразие климатических зон, многокилометровые песчаные пляжи океанского побережья, экзотический мир растений и животных, а также богатство этнических традиций. Туризм развивается с х. Лучший сезон для путешествия — с ноября по февраль. Достопримечательности: Камерунский музей искусств, монастырь бенедиктинцев г. Яунде , музей традиционного искусства бамун в г. Визовый режим, безвизовый транзит не разрешается. Въезжающим необходимо предъявить международный медицинский сертификат о прививке против желтой лихорадки, рекомендована вакцинация против малярии. Ограничений на ввоз и вывоз иностранной и национальной валюты нет, декларация обязательна. Имеют хождение кредитные карты и дорожные чеки. В гостиницах и ресторанах принято давать чаевые часто они включены в счета. Запрещен вывоз изделий из бивней слона и шкур редких животных. Передвижения туристов не ограничиваются, но не рекомендовано посещение некоторых местностей Северной провинции между национальными парками Ваза и Коуссери — района частых столкновений на межэтнической почве. Планируя поездки, следует учитывать праздничные дни — 1 января, 11 февраля, 1, 20 и 21 мая, 25 декабря. Сложилась многопартийная система более ста партий. Партия создана в Работают школы трех уровней — начальная, средняя общеобразовательная полная и неполная и профессионально-техническая. В систему вузов входят семь университетов. В в государственном университете г. Яунде, осн. Занятия ведутся на французском и английском языках, обучаются также студенты из других африканских стран. Распространено большинство тропических болезней и кишечных инфекций. В насчитывалось тыс. Правительственное информационное агентство Камньюс CamNews действует с Радиовещание ведется на английском, французском и арабском языках, а также на 15 местных — басса, бамилеке, дуала, фульфульде, хауса, шоа и др. Интернет-пользователей Жилища у разных народов Камеруна отличаются по архитектурным формам. Наиболее своеобразны они у бамилеке плетеные из прутьев стены ставятся под прямым углом, а округлую крышу поддерживают деревянные столбы, украшенные резными фигурками людей и животных и мусгу глинобитные хижины, напоминающие пчелиные ульи. В современных городах дома строятся из кирпича и железобетонных конструкций. Древнее искусство представлено наскальными рисунками, остатками поселений, а также глиняной и бронзовой скульптурой и утварью т. У всех народов развита традиционная резьба по дереву — разнообразные маски, статуэтки и пр. Ремесла и художественных промыслы: гончарство, вышивка, изготовление изделий из бисера, бронзы. Произведения фольклорного характера на местных языках появились в е. Становление национальной литературы началось в е. Произведения многих писателей Бебей Ф. Имеет древние традиции, является важным элементом культуры у всех населяющих страну народов. Разнообразие музыкальных инструментов: арфы-нгомби, балафоны, лютни молору, сансы , многочисленные барабаны мбэ, эндум и ксилофоны миндзан и др. Ежегодно в г. Маруа проводится национальный фестиваль. Театр имеет глубокие фольклорные традиции ритуальные пляски, шествия масок и пр. Первые любительские театральные кружки были организованы при миссионерских школах. Авондо г. Яунде, В столице трижды проводился всеафриканский театральный фестиваль последний в Развитие национального кино началось с появления документальных лент Там-там в Париже , реж. Сита-Белла и Большой дом Бамбилике , реж. Художественные фильмы снимают в серед. Режиссеры: Ж. Диконг-Пипа, Д. Камва, Ж. Нама и др. Согласно археологическим раскопкам в 5 в до н. Упоминания о ней содержатся также в записках арабских путешественников 10 в. В кон. С ними вело войны раннегосударственное образование Бамун или Бамум , остановившее проникновение фульбе в южные районы страны. Первыми европейцами, высадившимися на берег залива Биафра, были португальские моряки под командованием капитана Руя ди Сикейры В правителям народа дуала навязан договор о переходе побережья под протекторат Германии. Англо-французские войска оккупировали Камерун во время Первой мировой войны. Согласно Версальскому мирному договору Восточный Камерун большая часть страны перешел к Франции, а Западный — в качестве подмандатных территорий к Великобритании и административно вошел в состав колонии Нигерия. Антиколониальные выступления африканского населения охватили в —х обе части страны. Под нажимом международного сообщества Франция предоставила независимость восточной части страны, и 1 января была провозглашена Республика Камерун. После создания независимого государства Нигерия октябрь в обеих частях Камеруна по решению ООН проведен плебисцит, в результате которого южные области страны, находившиеся под управлением Великобритании, воссоединены с Республикой Камерун. Президентом страны избран председатель КС Амаду Ахиджо. Постепенное сосредоточение власти в руках центрального правительства привело к отмене федерации — 20 мая провозглашена Объединенная Республика Камерун. В стране установился авторитарный режим А. Провал экономической политики, в результате которого страну поразили глубокие кризис и стагнация, а также активизация оппозиции вынудили его в подать в отставку. Его преемником стал Поль Бийя. Под нажимом оппозиции 19 декабря принят закон о многопартийности. На выборах 11 октября победил П. Оппозиция опротестовала результаты выборов в Верховном суде, но получила отказ. Манифестации протеста, организованные оппозицией на севере страны, привела к аресту Дж. Фру Нди и его сторонников и введению там чрезвычайного положения на трехмесячный срок. Из семи кандидатов на президентских выборах 12 октября вновь избран П. На парламентских выборах 30 июня г. Камерун находится в числе ти наиболее крупных стран-должников Субсахарской Африки. Для деятельности иностранных компаний созданы одни из наиболее льготных условий среди африканских стран. В мае в столице прошел тысячный митинг, организованный Коалицией оппозиционных сил. На президентских выборах, прошедших 11 октября из ти кандидатов победу одержал П. Новейшая история Африки. Искусство Тропической Африки. Республика Камерун. Экономический кризис в Камеруне — : нежеланные параллели и аналогии с Россией. Democratization and Modernization in a Multilingual Cameroon. Поиск статьи в Энциклопедии Кругосвет. География Геология Страны мира. Медицина Спорт. Содержание статьи Природа. Судебная система. Внешняя политика. Внешняя торговля. Финансы и кредит. Политические организации. Профсоюзные объединения. Пресса, радиовещание, телевидение, Интернет. Архитектура, изобразительное искусство и ремесла. Театр и кинематограф. Колониальный период. Период независимого развития. Также по теме:. Проверь себя! Разделы энциклопедии.

Гидра Героин Сочи

Камерун — государство в западной части Центральной Африки, на юго-западе омываемое Гвинейским заливом. Природа Камеруна настолько разнообразна, что его иногда называют «Африкой в миниатюре».  Камерун — государство в западной части Центральной Африки, на юго-западе омываемое Гвинейским заливом. Страна протянулась от озера Чад на севере до побережья залива Биафра (части Гвинейского залива) на юго-западе, занимая площадь км². Население – 23 чел.

Hydra КОДЕИН Шымкент

Cameroon (/ˌkæməˈruːn/ (listen); French: Cameroun), officially the Republic of Cameroon (French: République du Cameroun), is a country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Nigeria to the west and north; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east; and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of the Congo to the south. Cameroon's coastline lies on the Bight of Biafra, part of the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. Although Cameroon is not an ECOWAS member state, it is.

Бесплатные пробы Каннабис, Марихуана Варшава

It is bordered by Nigeria to the west and north; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east; and Equatorial Guinea , Gabon and the Republic of the Congo to the south. However, since , elements within the Sud-Ouest and Nord-Ouest regions have since declared an independent yet internationally unrecognized state called Ambazonia. Cameroon is home to over native languages spoken by nearly 20 million people. Early inhabitants of the territory included the Sao civilisation around Lake Chad and the Baka hunter-gatherers in the southeastern rainforest. Fulani soldiers founded the Adamawa Emirate in the north in the 19th century, and various ethnic groups of the west and northwest established powerful chiefdoms and fondoms. Cameroon became a German colony in known as Kamerun. The southern part of British Cameroons federated with it in to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon. The federation was abandoned in The country was renamed the United Republic of Cameroon in and the Republic of Cameroon in Large numbers of Cameroonians live as subsistence farmers. Paul Biya , the incumbent President, has led the country since ; he had previously held office as prime minister, from until his elevation to the presidency. The country has experienced tensions coming from the English-speaking territories. Politicians in the English-speaking regions have advocated for greater decentralisation and even complete separation or independence as in the Southern Cameroons National Council from Cameroon. In , tensions regarding the creation of an Ambazonian state in the English-speaking territories escalated into open warfare. The official languages of Cameroon are French and English. It is governed as a Unitary presidential republic and has good relations with the major powers of France , the United Kingdom and China. The country is often referred to as 'Africa in miniature' for its geological and cultural diversity. The country is well known for its native styles of music, particularly Makossa and Bikutsi , and for its successful national football team. The territory of present-day Cameroon was first settled during the Neolithic Era. The longest continuous inhabitants are groups such as the Baka Pygmies. Kingdoms, fondoms , and chiefdoms arose in the west. Portuguese sailors reached the coast in In the early 19th century, Modibo Adama led Fulani soldiers on a jihad in the north against non-Muslim and partially Muslim peoples and established the Adamawa Emirate. Settled peoples who fled the Fulani caused a major redistribution of population. The Bamum tribe have a writing system, known as Bamum script or Shu Mom. It was built on the estuary of the Wouri River. Later Gustav Nachtigal made a treaty with one of the local kings to annex the region for the German emperor. The Germans ran into resistance with the native people who did not want the Germans to establish themselves on this land. Under the influence of Germany, commercial companies were left to regulate local administrations. These concessions used forced labour of the Africans to make a profit. The labour was used on banana, rubber, palm oil, and cocoa plantations. France integrated the economy of Cameroon with that of France \\\[22\\\] and improved the infrastructure with capital investments and skilled workers, modifying the colonial system of forced labour. The British administered their territory from neighbouring Nigeria. Natives complained that this made them a neglected 'colony of a colony'. Nigerian migrant workers flocked to Southern Cameroons, ending forced labour altogether but angering the local natives, who felt swamped. The government used oil money to create a national cash reserve, pay farmers, and finance major development projects; however, many initiatives failed when Ahidjo appointed unqualified allies to direct them. Ahidjo stepped down on 4 November and left power to his constitutional successor, Paul Biya. However, Ahidjo remained in control of the CNU and tried to run the country from behind the scenes until Biya and his allies pressured him into resigning. An economic crisis took effect in the mids to late s as a result of international economic conditions, drought, falling petroleum prices, and years of corruption, mismanagement, and cronyism. Cameroon turned to foreign aid, cut government spending, and privatised industries. With the reintroduction of multi-party politics in December , the former British Southern Cameroons pressure groups called for greater autonomy, and the Southern Cameroons National Council advocated complete secession as the Republic of Ambazonia. It is the choice of a worker to join any trade union in his occupation since there exist more than one trade union in each occupation. In June , talks concerning a territorial dispute over the Bakassi peninsula were resolved. The northern portion of the territory was formally handed over to the Cameroonian government in August , and the remainder of the peninsula was left to Cameroon 2 years later, in While most militants laid down their arms in November , \\\[35\\\] some carried on fighting for years. In February , Cameroon experienced its worst violence in 15 years when a transport union strike in Douala escalated into violent protests in 31 municipal areas. Cameroon declared victory over Boko Haram on Cameroonian territory in September Since November , protesters from the predominantly English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions of the country have been campaigning for continued use of the English language in schools and courts. People were killed and hundreds jailed as a result of these protests. The government responded with a military offensive, and the insurgency spread across the Northwest and Southwest regions. As of \\\[update\\\] , fighting between separatist guerillas and government forces continues. The President of Cameroon is elected and creates policy, administers government agencies, commands the armed forces , negotiates and ratifies treaties, and declares a state of emergency. The National Assembly makes legislation. The body consists of members who are elected for five-year terms and meet three times per year. Rarely has the assembly changed or blocked legislation proposed by the president. The constitution establishes a second house of parliament, the seat Senate , was established in April and is headed by a President of the Senate who is the constitutional successor in case of untimely vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic. The National Assembly elects the members of a nine-member High Court of Justice that judges high-ranking members of government in the event they are charged with high treason or harming national security. Cameroon is viewed as rife with corruption at all levels of government. Numerous regional political groups have since formed. Biya and his party have maintained control of the presidency and the National Assembly in national elections, which rivals contend were unfair. Freedom House ranks Cameroon as 'not free' in terms of political rights and civil liberties. Cameroon is a member of both the Commonwealth of Nations and La Francophonie. Its foreign policy closely follows that of its main ally, France one of its former colonial rulers. President Biya has engaged in a decades-long clash with the government of Nigeria over possession of the oil-rich Bakassi peninsula. In Cameroon petitioned the International Court of Justice to resolve the dispute. The two countries attempted to establish a cease-fire in , however, fighting continued for years. A UN-mediated summit in June facilitated an agreement for Nigeria to withdraw from the region and both leaders signed the Greentree Agreement. Human rights organisations accuse police and military forces of mistreating and even torturing criminal suspects, ethnic minorities, homosexuals , and political activists. A video showing Cameroonian soldiers executing blindfolded women and children has emerged in The constitution divides Cameroon into 10 semi-autonomous regions, each under the administration of an elected Regional Council. Each region is headed by a presidentially appointed governor. These leaders are charged with implementing the will of the president, reporting on the general mood and conditions of the regions, administering the civil service, keeping the peace, and overseeing the heads of the smaller administrative units. Governors have broad powers: they may order propaganda in their area and call in the army, gendarmes , and police. The divisions are further split into sub-divisions arrondissements , headed by assistant divisional officers sous-prefets. The districts, administered by district heads chefs de district , are the smallest administrative units. Directly south of them are the Centre Centre and East Est. In , the total adult literacy rate of Cameroon was estimated to be Among youths age 15—24 the literacy rate was Cameroon has one of the highest school attendance rates in Africa. Although attendance rates are higher in the south, \\\[76\\\] a disproportionate number of teachers are stationed there, leaving northern schools chronically understaffed. School attendance in Cameroon is also affected by child labour. The quality of health care is generally low. Doctors and nurses who were trained in Cameroon, emigrate because in Cameroon the payment is poor while the workload is high. Nurses are unemployed even though their help is needed. Some of them help out voluntarily so they will not lose their skills. In , 29, death due to AIDS occurred in both adults and children. Traditional healers remain a popular alternative to evidence-based medicine. Cameroon controls 12 nautical miles of the Atlantic Ocean. Tourist literature describes Cameroon as 'Africa in miniature' because it exhibits all major climates and vegetation of the continent: coast, desert, mountains, rainforest, and savanna. Cameroon is divided into five major geographic zones distinguished by dominant physical, climatic, and vegetative features. This area is part of the Atlantic Equatorial coastal forests ecoregion. This region has a mild climate, particularly on the Western High Plateau , although rainfall is high. On 21 August , one of these, Lake Nyos , belched carbon dioxide and killed between 1, and 2, people. The southern plateau rises northward to the grassy, rugged Adamawa Plateau. This is an arid region with sparse rainfall and high median temperatures. Cameroon has four patterns of drainage. In the south, the principal rivers are the Ntem , Nyong , Sanaga , and Wouri. These flow southwestward or westward directly into the Gulf of Guinea. The Logone flows northward into Lake Chad, which Cameroon shares with three neighbouring countries. Unemployment was estimated at 4. They sell their surplus produce, and some maintain separate fields for commercial use. Urban centres are particularly reliant on peasant agriculture for their foodstuffs. Soils and climate on the coast encourage extensive commercial cultivation of bananas, cocoa, oil palms, rubber, and tea. Inland on the South Cameroon Plateau, cash crops include coffee, sugar, and tobacco. Coffee is a major cash crop in the western highlands, and in the north, natural conditions favour crops such as cotton, groundnuts, and rice. Reliance on agricultural exports makes Cameroon vulnerable to shifts in their prices. Livestock are raised throughout the country. The commercial bushmeat trade has now surpassed deforestation as the main threat to wildlife in Cameroon. Nevertheless, in practice, the industry is one of the least regulated in Cameroon. Factory-based industry accounted for an estimated Cameroon possesses substantial mineral resources, but these are not extensively mined see Mining in Cameroon. Much of the country remains without reliable power supplies. Transport in Cameroon is often difficult. Intercity bus services run by multiple private companies connect all major cities. They are the most popular means of transportation followed by the rail service Camrail. Although press freedoms have improved since the first decade of the 21st century, the press is corrupt and beholden to special interests and political groups. Males and females that are 18 years of age up to 23 years of age and have graduated high school are eligible for military service. Those who join are obliged to complete 4 years of service. There is no conscription in Cameroon, but the government makes periodic calls for volunteers. The population total in Cameroon was 25,, in According to the latest census, Cameroon still has slightly more women People over 65 years of age account for only 3. According to the World Health Organization , the fertility rate was 4. People from the overpopulated western highlands and the underdeveloped north are moving to the coastal plantation zone and urban centres for employment. Both monogamous and polygamous marriage are practised, and the average Cameroonian family is large and extended. Cameroonian society is male-dominated, and violence and discrimination against women is common. Estimates identify anywhere from to different folks and linguistic groups in Cameroon. The northern peoples are Sudanese groups, who live in the central highlands and the northern lowlands, and the Fulani, who are spread throughout northern Cameroon. A small number of Shuwa Arabs live near Lake Chad. Southern Cameroon is inhabited by speakers of Bantu and Semi-Bantu languages. Bantu-speaking groups inhabit the coastal and equatorial zones, while speakers of Semi-Bantu languages live in the Western grassfields. Some 5, Gyele and Baka Pygmy peoples roam the southeastern and coastal rainforests or live in small, roadside settlements. In , Cameroon hosted a total population of refugees and asylum seekers of approximately 97, Of these, 49, were from the Central African Republic many driven west by war , \\\[\\\] 41, from Chad , and 2, from Nigeria. In the first months of , thousands of refugees fleeing the violence in the Central African Republic arrived in Cameroon. Almost 90, people have fled to neighbouring Cameroon since December and up to 2, a week, mostly women and children, are still crossing the border, the United Nations said. Cameroonian Pidgin English is the lingua franca in the formerly British-administered territories. As part of the initiative to encourage bilingualism in Cameroon, six of the eight universities in the country are entirely bilingual. In addition to the colonial languages, there are approximately other languages spoken by nearly 20 million Cameroonians. In there were language protests by the anglophone population against perceived oppression by the francophone. Cameroon has a high level of religious freedom and diversity. In addition, traditional faiths are practised by many. Muslims are most concentrated in the north, while Christians are concentrated primarily in the southern and western regions, but practitioners of both faiths can be found throughout the country. People from the North-West and South-West provinces, which used to be a part of British Cameroons , have the highest proportion of Protestants. The French-speaking regions of the southern and western regions are largely Catholic. People widely believe in witchcraft, and the government outlaws such practices. In the northern regions, the locally dominant Fulani ethnic group is mostly Muslim, but the overall population is fairly evenly divided among Muslims, Christians, and followers of indigenous religious beliefs called Kirdi 'pagan' by the Fulani. The Norwegian Missionary Society first established a mission in Cameroon in the early s. Many of its churches still stand. At the time there were few Christians but now there are many. Some of the families have been there in several generations among these Kaldhol, Bjaanes, Stavenjord and Dankel. Music and dance are an integral part of Cameroonian ceremonies, festivals, social gatherings, and storytelling. In a typical performance, a chorus of singers echoes a soloist. Musical accompaniment may be as simple as clapping hands and stomping feet, \\\[\\\] but traditional instruments include bells worn by dancers, clappers, drums and talking drums , flutes, horns, rattles, scrapers, stringed instruments, whistles, and xylophones; the exact combination varies with ethnic group and region. Some performers sing complete songs by themselves, accompanied by a harplike instrument. Popular music styles include ambasse bey of the coast, assiko of the Bassa, mangambeu of the Bangangte , and tsamassi of the Bamileke. The two most popular styles of music are makossa and bikutsi. Makossa developed in Douala and mixes folk music, highlife, soul , and Congo music. Bikutsi originated as war music among the Ewondo. Cuisine varies by region, but a large, one-course, evening meal is common throughout the country. A typical dish is based on cocoyams, maize , cassava manioc , millet , plantains , potatoes , rice , or yams , often pounded into dough-like fufu. This is served with a sauce, soup, or stew made from greens, groundnuts , palm oil , or other ingredients. Cutlery is common, but food is traditionally manipulated with the right hand. Breakfast consists of leftovers of bread and fruit with coffee or tea. Generally breakfast is made from wheat flour in various different foods such as puff-puff doughnuts , accra banana made from bananas and flour, bean cakes and many more. Snacks are popular, especially in larger towns where they may be bought from street vendors. Water, palm wine , and millet beer are the traditional mealtime drinks, although beer, soda, and wine have gained popularity. Traditional arts and crafts are practiced throughout the country for commercial, decorative, and religious purposes. Woodcarvings and sculptures are especially common. Traditional housing styles make use of locally available materials and vary from temporary wood-and-leaf shelters of nomadic Mbororo to the rectangular mud-and-thatch homes of southern peoples. Dwellings made from materials such as cement and tin are increasingly common. Cameroonian literature has concentrated on both European and African themes. Colonial-era writers such as Louis-Marie Pouka and Sankie Maimo were educated by European missionary societies and advocated assimilation into European culture as the means to bring Cameroon into the modern world. Literature and films during the next two decades concentrated more on wholly Cameroonian themes. National policy strongly advocates sport in all forms. Sport in Cameroon is dominated by football. Amateur football clubs abound, organised along ethnic lines or under corporate sponsors. Cameroon has won five African Cup of Nations titles and the gold medal at the Olympics. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights reports that Cameroon Government forces are responsible for killings, the excessive use of force, burning down of houses, arbitrary detentions and torture. UN figures indicate that more than 21, people have fled to neighboring countries, while , have been internally displaced by the violence, many reportedly hiding in forests. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 3 April This article is about the country. For other uses, see Cameroon disambiguation. Country on the west coast of Africa. Coat of arms. The French version of the song is sometimes called Chant de Ralliement , as in Swarovski Orchestra National Anthems of the World. Main article: History of Cameroon. Main article: German Cameroon. Main article: Politics of Cameroon. Further information: Foreign relations of Cameroon. See also: Human rights in Cameroon. Main articles: Regions of Cameroon and Departments of Cameroon. Main articles: Education in Cameroon and Health in Cameroon. Main articles: Geography of Cameroon and Geology of Cameroon. Main article: Economy of Cameroon. Main article: Cameroonian Armed Forces. Main article: Demographics of Cameroon. Largest cities or towns in Cameroon According to the Census \\\[\\\]. Main article: Refugees in Cameroon. Further information: Languages of Cameroon. Main article: Religion in Cameroon. Religion in Cameroon Pew Research \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] religion percent Catholic. Main article: Culture of Cameroon. Main article: Media of Cameroon. Further information: Music of Cameroon and Public holidays in Cameroon. Further information: Cameroonian cuisine. Main article: Literature of Cameroon. Further information: Cinema of Cameroon. Main article: Sport in Cameroon. Main article: Human rights in Cameroon. Cameroon portal. World Factbook. Archived from the original on 30 October Retrieved 2 November Retrieved 9 November Institut national de la statistique. Archived from the original PDF on 13 August Retrieved 21 July International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 7 February World Bank. Archived from the original on 31 March United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 10 December Retrieved 1 July Last accessed 1 July Archived from the original on 15 September Retrieved 4 July US Department of State. Retrieved 24 September Introduction to History: Cameroon. The Round Table. Hong Kong: Macmillan Education Ltd. Archived from the original on 1 January Retrieved 29 January Archived from the original on 7 April Retrieved 17 April The Journal of African History. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Mason Crest. Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon. Retrieved 3 May Accessed 28 Aug. Retrieved 12 March Retrieved 13 March Archived from the original on 14 July Retrieved 10 June Accessed 18 June Retrieved 29 July BBC News. Archived from the original on 20 September Retrieved 20 September — via www. Archived from the original on 19 September The Guardian. Accessed 25 February Archived from the original on 7 May Retrieved 12 April Relations With Cameroon '. United States Department of State. Retrieved 6 April Montesquieu University of Bordeaux. Archived from the original on 21 September Commonwealth of Nations. Archived from the original on 28 March Transparency International. Business Anti-Corruption Portal. Archived from the original on 24 March Retrieved 24 March Amnesty International Report Amnesty International. Country Report: Edition. Freedom House. Archived from the original on 30 September Archived from the original on 18 March Retrieved 17 March Retrieved 18 July subscription required. The New York Times. Archived from the original on 5 February Retrieved 4 February Archived from the original on 31 January Archived from the original on 9 February The Diplomat. Department of State. Retrieved 6 February The Intercept. Archived from the original on 30 July Retrieved 30 July Page Archived from the original PDF on 6 March Archived from the original on 23 October Archived from the original on 24 December Retrieved 29 June World Health Organization. January Archived from the original PDF on 21 March Archived from the original on 22 November Retrieved 18 November Archived from the original on 4 November Njini December Archived from the original on 24 June Retrieved 27 June Archived from the original on 23 December World Health Organization , p. United Nations Statistics Division. Archived from the original on 3 March Gwanfogbe, and F. Tsala, editorial advisers Macmillan School Atlas for Cameroon. Malaysia: Macmillan Education, p. Archived from the original PDF on 6 May Archived from the original on 1 May Geography of Cameroon. Hong Kong: Macmillan Education, p. The Economies of Africa , p. Allen and Unwin. UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Archived from the original on 11 June Retrieved 3 March Retrieved 9 April Archived from the original on 13 May Archived from the original on 26 March Retrieved 22 March UN data. Human Development Indices. Archived from the original PDF on 19 December Retrieved 1 June Netherlands-African Business Council. Archived from the original PDF on 13 October Archived from the original on 5 June Archived from the original on 3 June Archived from the original on 16 April Archived from the original on 27 April Archived from the original on 29 May Archived from the original on 8 June Archived from the original PDF on 6 June Climate Parliament. Archived from the original PDF on 27 April World Travel Guide. Archived from the original on 27 June Cameroon Online. Archived from the original on 9 May Archived from the original on 15 June The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Service. Archived from the original on 22 January Retrieved 28 December Archived from the original XLS on 21 October MDRCM '. Retrieved 18 June Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. Archived from the original on 2 October Retrieved 8 June Archived from the original on 10 June The California Review. Retrieved 16 April Special Issue 1 : Pew Research Center. Archived from the original on 5 November Retrieved 12 November The Economist. Archived from the original on 14 February Retrieved 15 February Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, pp. London: Rough Guides Ltd. The Post. Archived from the original on 11 March Reading women writers and African literatures. Archived from the original on 23 November Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Archived from the original on 3 August Retrieved 2 August DeLancey, Mark W. Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon 3rd ed. Lanham, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press. Hudgens, Jim; Trillo, Richard West Africa: The Rough Guide 3rd ed. London: Rough Guides. Mbaku, John Mukum Culture and Customs of Cameroon. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. Neba, Aaron Modern Geography of the Republic of Cameroon 3rd ed. Bamenda: Neba Publishers. West, Ben Cameroon: The Bradt Travel Guide. Archived from the original on 26 May Reporters without Borders. Archived from the original on 13 January Retrieved 6 January Human Development Report Fonge, Fuabeh P. MacDonald, Brian S. Njeuma, Dorothy L. Retrieved 11 April Rechniewski, Elizabeth. Wight, Susannah, ed. September Outline Index. Articles relating to Cameroon. Countries and territories of Africa. States with limited recognition. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Somaliland. Territories and dependencies. Africa portal. African Union. Borders Extreme points Member states Regions. Bureau Secretariat Gallagher Estate. Anthem Emblem Flag. Africa Day Languages. Moro National Liberation Front. Members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Source: Commonwealth Secretariat - Member States. Categories : establishments in Cameroon Cameroon Central African countries Commonwealth republics English-speaking countries and territories French-speaking countries and territories Member states of the African Union Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations Member states of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Member states of the United Nations States and territories established in Countries in Africa. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Coat of arms. Douala \\\[1\\\]. French English. Unitary dominant-party semi-presidential constitutional republic. National Assembly. Bafoussam Bamenda. Far North. Scholia has a topic profile for Cameroon. Outline Index Category Portal.

КАМЕРУН, государство в Тропической Африке. Столица – г.Яунде (1,12 млн. чел.  Камерун – член ООН с , Движения неприсоединения, Организации африканского единства (ОАЕ) с , а с – ее преемника Африканского союза (АС), Экономического сообщества государств Центральной Африки (КЕЕАК) с , Организации Исламская конференция (ОИК) и Содружества (объединение стран, входивших в Британскую империю).

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