CLICK [one love affair]* by Jenny Boully read pdf on ipad

CLICK [one love affair]* by Jenny Boully read pdf on ipad

CLICK [one love affair]* by Jenny Boully read pdf on ipad

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Book description
Poetry. [one love affair]* meditates on mud daubers, Duras, and the deaths of mentally ill and drug addicted lovers, blurring fiction, essay, and memoir in an extended prose poem that is as much as study of how we read as it is a treatise on the language of love affairs: a language of hidden messages, coded words, cryptic gestures, and suspicion.As with Jenny Boullys debut book The Body (2002), [one love affair]* is full of gaps and fissures and seduces its reader by drawing unexpected but felicitous linkages between disparate citations from the history of literature, a work that is filled with the exegetical projection of our own imagination (Christian Bok, Maisonneuve). Told through fragments that accrete through uncertain meanings, romanticized memories, and fleeting moments rather than clear narrative or linear time Boully explores the spaces between too much and barely enough, fecundity and decay, the sublime and the disgusting, wholeness and emptiness, love and loneliness in a world where life can be interpreted as a series of love affairs that are unwilling to complete.
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