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CLICK Winning Backgammon by John Leet free ios apple without signing via

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Book description
Backgammon is one of the most misunderstood and underrated games, often being labeled as a game of chance in which the winner is determined by the luck of the dice. In actuality, backgammon, when properly played, is a challenging game involving a great deal of skill. Learn the secrets of winning consistently, in this illustrated manual. An explanation of the rules and mechanics of the game, including the often ignored use of the doubling cube, is followed by instruction in various strategies. First, master basic strategy, including blocking, caterpillaring, and mental aspects of the game. Next, see how the correct doubling strategy can make or break a players success. The use of the roll-over-the once-per-game option of either rolling again or forcing your opponent to roll again--is also fully explained, followed by the recommended opening and early-game moves and strategies for the mid-game, the end-game, and bearing-off. The problematic back-game is detailed, as is the correct set, match, and tournament strategy. Backgammon variants, including chouette, acey-deucy, and the beaver, are also explained. With a history going back more than 5,000 years, backgammon is the oldest game in civilization. With the strategies included here, anyone can become a future master of this ancient pastime. Sterling 128 pages, 81 b/w illus., 6 x 9.
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