CLICK ...Who Needs Enemies? by Alan Dean Foster download pdf

CLICK ...Who Needs Enemies? by Alan Dean Foster download pdf

CLICK ...Who Needs Enemies? by Alan Dean Foster download pdf

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Book description
Bookending Fosters first collection of short stories With Friends Like These..., these tales are also pretty good overall. Each is introduced by the author, anecdotes of where the idea came from, more often than not. They were written between 1976 and 1983. The final is (likely intentionally) related to the first story in the first book, which dealt with the arrival of little green men. This anthology also contains a Pip and Flinx story - I havent read anything else with them yet, but look forward to doing so soon. I like to keep a book of short stories in the car for long waits and ferry rides, and Alan Dean Foster makes for an excellent choice. His next collection is titled The Metrognome and Other Stories.
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