CLICK What Works in Schools: Translating Research Into Action by Robert J. Marzano book pocket download writer without signing

CLICK What Works in Schools: Translating Research Into Action by Robert J. Marzano book pocket download writer without signing

CLICK What Works in Schools: Translating Research Into Action by Robert J. Marzano book pocket download writer without signing

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Book description
I read this book as a part of my Masters courses for Educational Leadership and Administration.This book is a pretty comprehensive collection of actions and steps for schools to take to improve student achievement. I really liked how it was organized into school, teacher, and student level factors. Marzano does a great job of synthesizing the research from several different sources. I appreciated that he wasnt too wordy with his chapters. I do wonder if anything was left out though.One interesting note for me was his critique of how brain-based teaching may be over-stepping and changing more than it should. An interesting idea considering he critiqued the authors of the textbook for my other course. Let the debate ... continue.
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