CLICK What Makes Learning Fun?: Principles for the Design of Intrinsically Motivating Museum Exhibits by Deborah L. Perry epub ibooks ipad

CLICK What Makes Learning Fun?: Principles for the Design of Intrinsically Motivating Museum Exhibits by Deborah L. Perry epub ibooks ipad

CLICK What Makes Learning Fun?: Principles for the Design of Intrinsically Motivating Museum Exhibits by Deborah L. Perry epub ibooks

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Book description

Book description
Although much has been written in recent years on what museum visitors actually experience, there is little research-backed guidance available for developing meaningful exhibits and programs for specific educational purposes. Deborah Perry looks at what we know about the experiences of people in museums and other informal learning settings, and then shares a set of tested principles and strategies known as the Selinda Model for the design of effective museum exhibits. Along the way, she showcases examples of both effective and ineffective exhibit designs drawn from two decades of work in the field.
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