CLICK Vixen by Samantha M. Derr (Editor) selling eReader how download reading read

CLICK Vixen by Samantha M. Derr (Editor) selling eReader how download reading read

CLICK Vixen by Samantha M. Derr (Editor) selling eReader how download reading read

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Book description
Queen, Princess, Lady, peasant, mercenary, whore, pirate, knight, cop, clerk, soldier, and everything in between—and always a mother, daughter, sister, lover, and friend. The power and appeal of women is great, and there’s nothing better than watching a woman do what she loves best.But what happens when what she loves best is another woman? Come read these tales of women who will never be satisfied by a man, and will not settle for less than what their heart most desires.Vixen includes the following stories:Cavatina, Cabaletta by Rachel White is a grand tale of the opera, and two women who loathe, despise, and detest each other—until the arrival of a greater enemy forces them to set aside their antagonism.The Huntress by T.T. Kove is the story of a princess who refuses to bow to the dictates of her family, and in setting out to forge her own path stumbles across a woman like no one shes ever seen.Slaying Dragons by Sasha L. Miller tells of a highly-skilled Combatant constantly saddled with subpar mages, until she meets a mage who seems far too good to be true.The Thicket by Liz Lambdin is the tale of an unusual princess who climbs a tower and meets a gloomy witch.Weather the Storm by Julia March is the story of a young woman who runs away from home to marry her true and go on a grand adventure.The Mermaid by Megan Derr is the story of a woman forced into marriage by scandal, who on journeying to her fiances island home soon learns there is more than a little truth to the local myths.Masquerade by Ashley Shaw is the story a woman who enters a palace to deceive a king but finds herself seduced by a queen.
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