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CLICK Vampire Bloodlines the Legendary by Chuck Wendig (Goodreads Author) torrent finder value tablet free

CLICK Vampire Bloodlines the Legendary by Chuck Wendig (Goodreads Author) torrent finder value tablet free

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Book description
One of you. A score of me. A score of us. You will belong, blood and soul. You will be mine and ours. —Hannah Featheringay, Melissid Matriarch These are the vampires other Kindred whisper about in the dark. These monstrous lineages, terrifying, taboo and bizarre, mystify even the Damned. Each is surrounded with a fog of rumor and myth that makes the truth of their power impossible to know for certain—until their fatal flesh is faced in person. This sequel to the highly successful Bloodlines: The Hidden features nine new bloodlines, each with unique supernatural Disciplines or blood magics, along with and intriguing history and collection of mysterious legends for each bloodline, so Storytellers can introduce them with an aura of fear. Bloodlines: The Legendary is a 128-page hardcover for Vampire: The Requiem. This book includes: • Nine new, secretive vampire bloodlines for your chronicle • Unique, strange and elusive Disciplines, Devotions and rituals • New character types for players and Storytellers
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