CLICK Urban Dictionary: Fularious Street Slang Defined by Aaron Peckham eng find free tom touch

CLICK Urban Dictionary: Fularious Street Slang Defined by Aaron Peckham eng find free tom touch

CLICK Urban Dictionary: Fularious Street Slang Defined by Aaron Peckham eng find free tom touch

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Book description the slogan Define Your World--serves more than 1.5 million visitors each month. Perfect for those who want to pick up some new slang and those who want to translate it, Urban Dictionary is a gritty and witty look at our ever-changing is a wildly successful site that encourages users to define the world with their own unique terms. In Urban Dictionary, site founder Aaron Peckham culls his more than 170,000 definitions for the funniest, and most provocative phrases that define the modern slang scene.Within urbandictionary.coms lively lexicon are:* business provocative--Attire used to provoke sexual attention in the workplace.* compunicate--To chat with someone in the same room via instant messenging service instead of in person.* dandruff--A person who flakes out and ditches their friends. * wingman--A guy who takes one for the team by hooking up with a hot girls ugly friend so his own friend can hook up with the hot girl.Perfect for those who want to pick up some new slang and those who want to translate it, Urban Dictionary is a gritty and witty look at our ever-changing language.Urban Dictionary covers the language that encompasses the trials and tribulations that anyone under 30 encounters--and leaves everyone over 30 scratching their heads but wanting to know more.
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