CLICK Until Proven Guilty by J.A. Jance (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

CLICK Until Proven Guilty by J.A. Jance (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

CLICK Until Proven Guilty by J.A. Jance (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

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Book description
The little girl was only five, much too young to die -- a lost treasure who should have been cherished, not murdered.She could have been J.P. Beaumonts kid, and the determined Seattle homicide detective wont rest until her killer pays dearly. But the hunt is leading Beaumont into a murky world of religious fanaticism, and toward a beautiful, perilous obsession all his own. And suddenly Beau himself is a target -- because faith can be dangerous...and love can kill.
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