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CLICK Unhinge by Calia Read (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

CLICK Unhinge by Calia Read (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description
In Calia Read’s electrifying sequel to her steamy, psychological suspense novel Unravel, a visit from a handsome stranger shatters a beautiful young woman’s vision of her picture-perfect past.Victoria can’t recall much of her life before she came to Fairfax Hospital, but she prefers it that way. She holds her beautiful baby daughter, Evelyn, every day and that’s enough…isn’t it? But when Evelyn is taken from her, Victoria’s world begins to fray at the seams. It becomes apparent to her that the hospital walls aren’t the only obstacles standing between her and the outside world—Victoria has constructed a hall of mirrors deep inside, every false image a distraction from the trauma of her past life. A white picket fence, a family on the way…yet something feels amiss in her memories of a happy marriage. When a handsome stranger begins visiting Victoria, pressing her to remember her past, she struggles to separate real memories from refracted images she has created, knowing at last that only the truth can set her free.
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