CLICK Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewelry by Deyan Sudjic (Editor) bookshop macbook book german without registering

CLICK Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewelry by Deyan Sudjic (Editor) bookshop macbook book german without registering

CLICK Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewelry by Deyan Sudjic (Editor) bookshop macbook book german without

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Book description
In recent decades, contemporary jewelry has transcended its role of adornment to challenge traditional meanings and become a signifier of new identities. Working in traditional mediums of gold and precious stones as well as with innovative materials, designers and artists are pushing the boundaries of the craft into the worlds of contemporary art, design, and fashion. This innovative book focuses on the historical precedents for art jewelry with works by artists such as Alexander Calder and Meret Oppenheim; traditional jewelry forms that have been transformed formally or materially to become contemporary works of art; jewelry as fashion accessories, with works designed for catwalk presentations by Martin Margiela and Alexander McQueen; and jewelry designs and their relationship with the body, including industrial designs such as the Sony Walkman and the iPod. Unexpected Pleasures explores how jewelry reflects changing technologies, methods, and material values and at the same time celebrates the individual wearer. 
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