CLICK Under Vanishing Skies by G.S. Fields (Goodreads Author) book pdf how to prewiew android

CLICK Under Vanishing Skies by G.S. Fields (Goodreads Author) book pdf how to prewiew android

CLICK Under Vanishing Skies by G.S. Fields (Goodreads Author) book pdf how to prewiew android

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Book description
I recived a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book starts out with the main character Aron Atherton,who is out fishing in one of the most beautiful places on the planet,but,almost everybody on the planet earth is dead,because of a solar flare The storm,as it is called, .It will only be a few more years,and the atmosphere about the islands will be gone.Arons happy place was back home in California with his wife and children.That was sooo many years ago now. The Mars colony was getting a cargo ship together to send down to Earth ,but would be ready in a years time.A thousand lucky passengers would be able to start a new life on the Mars colony.But,who was lucky enough to go?Hence..The Council of all the islands got together to vote on certain issues and of course there are the bad guys against the good guys.And of course there are some council members who had to leave because of the bully tactics,of some.There is the List of passengers that make this story very unique.I would very much recommend this book.I enjoyed it:)Its got all the other exciting stuff we all love to read about..romance,fighting for your rights,fighting for who you lost in this battle.And hope.
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