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CLICK Torn Souls by Crystal Cattabriga book txt online

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This book is dedicated to all the children who have lost their lives from being bullied and the ones who will find the strength and courage to continue on... The unspeakable acts of bullying can destroy a life. So many children are affected in the world and together we can make a difference. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world. Julia Stone’s life has been turned upside down ever since her parents decided to move out of the country and into the city. The life she knew was gone and starting over was something she wasn’t prepared for. The thought of a new school, new teachers and even new friends was terrifying, but after a few weeks things didn’t seem all that bad. Julia had met a boy and his name was Alex. He wasn’t a jock, he wasn’t even the smartest kid in school, but he was nice and he made her laugh. Alex and Julia hung out all the time, eventually becoming best friends. They even made a pact never to keep secrets from each other, but for Julia it was harder than she thought. She had a secret that was destroying the very cord of her soul. Her life as a teenager was being ripped apart by the kids in her school. Julia was being bullied mentally and physically. The thought of going through the next three years in high school being bullied continuously wasn’t something she was prepared to do. The choice was simple, and she wasn’t about to do it alone.
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